Agricultural Produce

(Zeeshan Ahmed, Karachi)

Modern fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides are very costly and their use by farmers is on the increase. Similarly oil, which is required for running tube-wells, tractors and transportation is very expensive. Though the irrigation system in our country is the best, yet it has failed to fulfil the water requirements of the farmers because water management is poor. The de-silting of canals and water channels and their maintenance is not done regularly. There are so many departments available to assist farmers in increasing yield but the staff of these departments is hardly ever seen in the fields to guide and assist the farmers. There is no market at the union level to sell agricultural produce. The markets are in big cities where traders fix the rates of their choice. They have complete monopoly over the market and when farmers take their crops to the markets, they fall prey to the greed of traders and agents. The government is urged to facilitate the farmers in resolving their problems and difficulties so that they feel encouraged to work with more zeal and dedication. Such measures will help increase agricultural produce.

Zeeshan Ahmed
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