Cure Thalassemia

(Syeda Qandeel Zehra, Karachi)

Have you ever been to any Thalassemia center? Have you seen the misery of its patients, the agony of a father or a mother who are facing the most difficult time of their life where they see that their children’s are feeling the pain of blood transfusion every month or every week. When the needle penetrate in their children’s vein it also hurt the heart of his/her mother, the sob of a child a break his/her father heart and the never ending struggle of parents of a thalassemia major child for little more life sometimes break them financially and emotionally because they know their child don’t have any chance to enjoy life like other normal children without blood.

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder in which body make abnormal hemoglobin. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. According to a report approximately 100,000 patients are suffering from thalassemia in Pakistan, approximately 5000 newborn babies diagnosed as thalassemia major every year. In order to reduce the frequency of thalassemia among children, the Punjab government has drafted a law in 2016, making blood tests mandatory for thalassaemia examination for everyone wishing to get married. The law would act as a preventive measure to curb blood complications and other disorders in children. Couples who fail thalassaemia screening test and still marry shall be punishable with fine up to Rs 100,000 but still no one follow this rule and Unfortunately it is increasing day by day in our country due to lack of awareness. This disease can be eliminate from Pakistan by just a simple blood screening to know the thalassemia status before choosing a life partner and if you are thalassemia minor you just have to take care that your partner should not be thalassemia minor to avoid any critical situation in future.To make Pakistan thalassemia free every individual have to play its role for country and their self as well.

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Syeda Qandeel Zehra
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