Awareness session by brfp

(Erum Shah, Karachi)

BRF-Pakistan aims to provide awareness to the society. We believe that the children are the makers of the future. Therefore, in order to brake the false concepts, BRF-P visits various colleges and institutes for the awareness sessions.

This Wednesday, on 12 December team Blind Resource Foundation Pakistan visited Feroza Khatoon Girls College for the second awareness session.The team was welcomed by the Principal Feroza Khatoon Girls College Honorable Madam Setara.

The session began with the recitation of holy Quran. After the recitation, The session started with Who we are, what we are and why we are. The pupils were explained the aims and objectives of the BRF-P. the introduction of (Al-Suffa Audio Library) and official BRF-P website was also announced. This introduction was given by MS Erum Haroon, Joint Secretory Blind Resource Foundation-Pakistan.

Introduction was followed by the session on Braille and Mobility. The students were explained braille with the help of a braille sixer.The explanation contained the historical overview and transformation of braille.

The mobility was elaborated,and the white Cane was shown to the learners. They were also clarified of the various concepts regarding the persons with Visual Impairment. They were explained how far people have sailed from the shores and what are the major sectors in which blind people are providing their services and contributing to the society.This session was conducted by President Blind Resource Foundation-Pakistan Mr. Waqar Younis.

The third session was dedicated to technology and sports.The pupils were enlightened with Talkback, the talking software through which persons with visual impairment use android mobiles. They were described with the functionality and the importance of the software. Then they were led towards other technologies such as Talking watch and JAWS. Then they were shown different physical sporticequipments such as football for visually impaired. They were explained that the ball contained small balls that make sound if thrown to the other person and makes it easier to judge and catch.It was followed by the board games such as Chess and Ludo. These games are slightly modified so that visually impaired people can be more and more inclusive. This session was conducted by Mr. Syed Erril Hussain, Information secretory BRF-Pakistan.

Thus, the session concluded and team BRF-P Thanked Madam Setara, her co-operative staff and responsive students for giving us this opportunity.


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Erum Shah
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