
(Ain Ul Noor Javed, Islamabad)

Its a real story based on the earthly person who are full of  garbage. she disclosed that, in past my feelings about my self was that i was a dumbest person on the earth. because other people were free to perform any task avail any option in stealthy way, sometimes they were succeeded. they were independent and modern too. to me why would i get permission from my parent for tiny things and argued with them, to fulfill my wish i had to convince them, very often i go through. which was a rarest phenomenon. I felt pity by god. whenever person from lower SES (Social Economic Status), and fellows from narrow minded families, they enjoyed all kinds of parties, hang-overs and i could not get permission and cursed myself and family too. i did a few things, were disliked by my family. i was such a dumb that i couldn't hold my nerves and burst out. anyhow those were college days and diversity of people from different SES, even they didn't care about their permission and neither asked for, i felt so. Existence is not over yet but transformed in some other way. and transformation from teenage to adulthood.

University life begins: a new chapter of life, when one thinks he is more independent, in a co-education system, where open mindedness is been welcomed and you were supposed to share each and everything about your colleague to your families. a time where name of friends is been transformed to BF/GF and BBF-BFF and being appreciated. break ups, patch up are part of it which is common. i was dumb there too. I've rare friends(Girl) if i say i was not social person it is true . one from opposite gender who had very good connection more than a brother and father-like figure. i felt my parents kept me under different limitations. which i have had to follow. i use to follow but don't know why. but following those boundaries i trapped in to web of inferiority complex. university life is over. and i heard rumors that my friends who were broke up or patched up for multiple times, they were honored by well educated and noble family which made me more inferior, as i passed my life, the one who tried to catch us such a number that they are flirt, we were lifeless, their family reacts like we never respected any person at home. once i felt, to keep everything in covers or shade, because they were rewarded. their wishes were same, they were never been to psychosis, they have wish to fulfill their wishes. suddenly a day comes and my thoughts were transformed, things are not the same as they appear, one day someone tried to trap me, my parents were aware of it. fortunately my parents were aware of my everything. to whom i called, are narrow minded, they didn't ask me single question about that blame. they never showed any change in their behavior. i felt so strong and powerful. then i came to knew that sharing with someone specially your parents are such a easy. share with them. trust them they are there for you.

Ain Ul Noor Javed
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