Our childhood….!!Ah ha!! Good
old memories of our childhood, so much to do everyday but those things never
makes us tense small thing to care about no worries just peace n peace…
We just make friends and lots of friends no time to make enemies. We got love to
share with people n things like our toys .Even when ever we got time we make
things with clay or mud small toys without proper shape and size. We make castle
with sand and after playing with them we just leave them for other to play with
them .we know only one thing that is love, there is no time for hate n
selfishness…we don’t talk about casts n religions. Everyone is equal for
us….nobody ask us from where we belong.
I still remember my first day at school. Our friends in school. How can I forget
They are my strength in the new world they are my treasure. We share our sorrow
and worries with each other and try to solve there problems. Play different
games with each other because there isn’t competition in between us, there isn’t
any hate and jealousy in our hearts. How sweet those days are? We never try to
harm any one.
But sadly today we lots mostly all that things we lost our friends the people we
care about the most…
We don’t have time to meet with them, we forgot how to love.
We have dumped each and every thing of our childhood. We thing we can try new
thing because we are grownup. We can’t play with toys.
But the interesting fact is we never forget the childhood memories we always
want that time back because today we live with problems, today w have to deal
with so many thing which we don’t like but we have to do because those are our
responsibilities…we can’t show our pleasure and sorrow to everyone but remember
we never try to hide thing from anyone.
Why we change today???
Why we can’t live like we live in our childhood??
No one have the answers, but one thing we all know that we miss our childhood.