US AFGHAN Relations…

(Rashid Ob, )

Written by: Hamza Ajmal Niazi
In 2001, President George W. Bush announced the first military operations in Afghanistan in the wake of terrorist attacks by al-Qaida, the main goal was to disrupt terrorist operations and attack the Taliban. This war has been continued for more than two decades where one race has opened their eyes to war and now they are adults. After 19 years of war, both the US and Afghans were driven to table talks. With the help of Pakistan, they have signed a peace deal in Doha, Qatar on 29, Feb 2020. Table talks held in Doha between United States (US) and Afghan Taliban have been successfully ending up to the signing of the peace deal. This deal was signed in the presence of leaders from Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. The said agreement will be a path in the way for the US to gradually withdraw its troops within 14 months.

Turning pages of history one can find amazing facts and figures regarding Afghanistan. The US doesn’t want to attack gulf or Muslim countries the US just wanted to gain a powerful position on the world map. The US was forced to attack Afghanistan after the attack on 9/11 in 2001. One can think that this attack was under knowledge by the CIA and FBI? Everything was planned and informed; Israel and the US wanted to attack gulf Muslims. US economy, defense system, media, and most probable security are controlled by the Jewish lobby. After this attack, Israel used to blame Afghans Taliban specially Usama Bin Ladin. They used to say if any country support Afghanistan specifically Pakistan destroy them too.
The cost of nearly 19 years of war in Afghanistan will amount to more than $2 trillion. The Taliban control much of the country. More than 2,400 US soldiers and more than 38,000 Afghan civilians have died. Amnesty International has reported that in 2019 more than 2400 children were killed in Afghanistan. This situation has made the country the most dangerous one for the children. The suicide rate among US soldiers has risen to 45 per 100,000. Hence, Afghanistan becomes one of the world’s largest sources of refugees and migrants. Recently Pakistan and Iran forcibly returned 1 million Afghan refugees. To safeguard US soldiers and finishing suffering of Afghanistan nationals it was the need of the hour to end the war.
Concluding more! After the sacrificing of 150,000 lives in Afghanistan, finally, peace talks have been conducted. Regarding peace in Afghanistan, Prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan echoed more than once that there is no other solution else than table talks. Politics should be on a side in Afghanistan’s peace deal. After signing the deal US foreign minister Mike Pompeo said in a speech PM Imran Khan was right about the peace deal. It proves that Pakistan is a peaceful country and wants peace in the whole region. Afghan civilians have paid a huge price of war on terror. After these peace talks, two of the candidates took oath for Presidential seat. During the ceremony, two Bomb blasts were conducted. These blasts took more than 27 lives leaving 29 wounded. Daesh took the responsibility of piloting these blasts. Recently, President Ashraf Ghani has signed a decree to release 1500 Taliban. The process of release of Taliban and bomb attacks is going parallel making a goal of attaining peace difficult one. This type of event can sabotage the ongoing peace process.

Rashid Ob
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