(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)
Rule of law is the key part for any the state. The judiciary should independent and impartial. It is a burning question, what are the liabilities and rights of the legal fraternity? The answer is very simple to maintain law and order situation and maintain rule of law as dignity of judiciary. The supremacy of law is very important. No men above the law. No men condemn unheard. No one be a judge in his own cause. The rule of equity shall prevail in our societies. Our legal fraternity is very respectable. We should give respect to our judiciary as well as legal members. In Pakistan the judiciary seems very helpless before the incident of Islamabad high court. The sequel of the disrespect to our legal fraternity is become an issue in Pakistan. Whatever are the reasons behind this sequel or race, caste, favoritism, in the incident of Islamabad high court?
Pakistan Bar council is going to sleeping mode. No voice rise from the Pakistan Bar Council. No suspension of license of lawyers who have participated to disrespect legal fraternity. There are only 20-29 approximately, lawyers who have suffered irreparable loss. They have lost their chambers which they have established illegally. There is no prove to allocate their chambers from Bar Council and how they get? In this sense, I have regretted the role of the Pakistan Bar Council to sort out this issue in legal forum. Sorry, to say that it is the negligence of members of Pakistan Bar council who have not taken keen interest in this matter before bar association meetings? Moreover, it is the negligence of bar council not to collaboration with capital development authority to regularize their chambers with easy installments.
There are some lawyers who have shown their desperate and anxiety at higher forum but they forget that it has a precious place. The head of the legal fraternity is neck to bind upon this incident. The use of force is not acceptable in any manner. The lawyer should bind to take responsibility to defend the legal fraternity. Our judiciary runs through art of advocacy. No doubt role of Pakistan Bar Council is very important to protect legal fraternity and rule of law in Pakistan.