PostPartum Depression PPD

(Arshia Ambreen, Lahore)

Depression is a Psychological condition which negatively effect the feelings of a person who is suffering from it and it is a serious medical condition.

Postpartum Depression PPD is a type of depression which occurs in females after baby birth. As baby birth arouse many strong emotions in women which are excitement, joy, anxiety and fear. It is serious Psychological issue which is mostly neglected some people even don't consider this as a serious issue. Many researches have shown that Postpartum Depression effect 12% of women and Pakistan have its very high prevalence rate which is from 28% to 60% and this is highest number in Asia.

What are its Symptoms?
Its symptoms vary from mild to severe according to Diagnosis and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders these man include
Depressive mood with severe mood swings
Excessive crying
Difficult to bonding with baby
Loss of appetite or eating much more then usual
Insomnia or loss of sleep
Fatigued and loss of energy
Hopelessness, anger and may include Panic attacks its can also have obsessions about baby and hallucinations
How it can be treated?
it can be treated by
in which patient talk about her concerns with psychiatrist, psychologist or any mental health professional. Through therapy she can find a way to cope with her issues and to solve her problems.
In some cases health professional may prescribe a medicine which normalize the hormonal release .
Arshia Ambreen

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Arshia Ambreen
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