INTRODUCTION TO ANTI DUMPING LAWS “Anti Dumping Law and Remedies in International Trade”

(shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

That book has written by Rana Saqib Faraz. The writer has been working as Assistant Registrar in Anti Dumping Court. Before going to brief his book, there are some real facts about author to share with you. Mr. Rana Saqib Faraz was appointed as Lower Division Clerk in the Access to Justice Program (PMU) in 2006. He further promoted as Assistant in 2012 in same department which is under Law and Justice Division. He has been done his MA in political science and LLB. He has sound knowledge of Anti Dumping Laws. That book opens the minds of people who have enhanced their knowledge in field of Anti Dumping Laws. That book is also helpful for lawyers as well judges. That book now available in the market as title “Anti Dumping Law and Remedies in international Trade. This book is very helpful for students who have doing their LLM or Bachelor in Laws. However, this book is also useful for the general public.

This book has been given sound knowledge for their readers. That book is dividing in schedules and chapters. This book is providing Anti Dumping laws and provides remedies for the aggrieved person. However, this book is also guiding procedure of filing appeals and ascertain forum of appeal and describe how to get remedies etc.

What is dumping?
If a company exports a product at a price (export price) lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market (normal value), it is said to be ‘dumping’ the product.

Dumping can harm the domestic industry by reducing its sales volume and market shares, as well as its sales prices. This in turn can result in decline in profitability, job losses and, in the worst case, in the domestic industry going out of business.
How do you define:
• Normal Value
• Export price and
• dumping margin
Normal Value
Normal value is the comparable price at which the goods under complaint are sold, in the ordinary course of trade, in the domestic market of the exporting country.

Export price
The Export price of the goods allegedly dumped into Pakistan means the price at which it is exported to Pakistan. It is generally the CIF value minus the adjustments on account of ocean freight, insurance, commission, etc. so as to arrive at the value at
ex-factory level.
Dumping margin:
The margin of dumping is the difference between the Normal value and the export price of the goods under complaint. It is generally expressed as a percentage of the export price.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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