George’s Marvelous Medicine

(Komal Ishtiaq, Rawalpindi)

Roald Dahl one of the great child fiction writer, wrote the child fiction story “George’s Marvelous medicine”. It was a tremendous book with great illustrations by Quentin Blake. It contains rhymes in it that provides a more fascinating impacts on the mind of its reader. A book got published in 1981 but still fascinating, if we read in today’s time. It is comic and deals with the experimentation of the young George on his grandmother, whom he finds a witch, because of her ill treatment towards him. George deems her a selfish “old hag”. However, George wants her grandmother to be treated through his magic medicine. He plans to prepare a medicine, firstly in his mind; later, he collected thousands of constituents including hair spray, perfumes, cosmetics of his mother, paints of his father, animal foods, stuff from the bathroom and add it in the pot, altogether. He stirs it and boils and observe the “peacock” colors in the mixture. At last, he triumphs in the preparation of the medicine. It turns to be vibrant blue in its color, whereas George wants it to be brown, so he adds brown paint in it.

When his grandmother, asks for medicine in a fuming tone, he gives it to her in the silver spoon. As a result, grandmother turns into fire and after some time she gets on her own feet and her size grown enormously large. Besides, George gives this medicine to a hen who turns to be a giant hen. The George is a kind of character who seems to be mischievous one, though his father Mr. Kranky seems to be happy with his experimentation and wants him to prepare more medicines, as it provides George with the fame and to him a riches, whereas to the world a food. Therefore, George performs the experiment for several times; till he gets exhausted and exasperated. While, the fourth time this experimentation of the medicine turns out to be a disaster, as Grandmother drink the fifty spoons of medicine in the illusion of thinking it as a tea. She first grows tiny and then tiny and later disappears from the planet earth. Mr. Kranky seems to be satisfied, whereas Georges seems to be astonished by his own magical conduct.

George’s Marvelous medicine is an amazing book of Dahl besides his other books. Children literally finds it a comical book. The one who have an interest in comical fiction, definitely, this book appeals to those.

Komal Ishtiaq
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