Who will get the company of the holy Prophet PBUH in Paradise?

(Muhammad Rafique Etesame, Ahmedpureast)

On the authority of Inas bin Mailk R.A. he said, the holy messenger of Allah, may peace and mercy of Allah be upon him he said to Anas bin Malik R.A., “O my son if you are capable of waking up in morning and ending of evening and you have not in your heart of deception to any other then do this”.

He also said “my son and this is my Sunnah and who loves my Sunnah then he loves me and who loves me will be with me at the Day of Resurrection”.

Inas bin Malik R.A. is a famous companion of the holy Prophet PBUH and lived in his service for ten years, one day the holy Prophet PBUH said to him, O my son if you are capable of waking up in morning and ending of evening and you have nothing in your heart of deception, it means the hatred, grudge and ill thinking and displeasure etc.

So, this is the sunnah of the holy Prophet PBUH and whoever loves the sunnah of him, he loves him and will be with him in Paradise at the Day of Resurrection.
Please look what a great reward is it for the faithful believers who loves the Sunnah of the holy Prophet PBUH and have the clean hearts. Because if the mirror of heart is clean from deception grudge, ill thinking, hatred or any other spiritual disease, then this heart reflects the inspiration of Divine.

And on the other hand if the mirror of heart is dirty by committing sins hatred etc. Then it reflects the whispering of Satan that will lead him astray.

So, it is necessary that a faithful believer should has love and affection to other faithful believers and should has no spiritual diseases in his heart.

So that he may get the company of the holy Prophet PBUH in Paradise at the Day of Resurrection. These are the teachings of Islam. And if there a dispute stands between two faithful believers, then first should say to other,” brother I have noticed such and such in you, please clear it and if I am at fault then pardon me.” He should not have anything in his heart. This is the Sunnah of holy Prophet PBUH. May Allah Almighty give us taufeeq to do so Amin.

Muhammad Rafique Etesame
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