Tawheed Ar-rububiyyah - Allah is al-khaaliq (The Creator).

(manhaj As salaf, Peshawar)

The power of creation is with Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى). Allaah creates the living from the non-living being and the non-living from the living being. Know this, such as giving children, or not giving, giving more in number or giving less in number, it is only Allaah that hold the power upon it and no one else. Therefore, one should ask Allaah Almighty directly for all his/her needs, for which there are abundance of proofs in al-Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, which will be explained in due course, In sha Allah.

One should also remember that Allaah is (الخالق) The Creator, as He creates anything and everything proven from Qur'an, and He is also (خلّاق) The Creator, again and again.

May Allah give us the correct understanding of this, Allaahumma ameen.

manhaj As salaf
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