Sialkot incident and International media

(Umer Adil, Sialkot)

Sialkot Incident

Sialkot Incident
I strongly condemn the Sialkot incident. It was brutality, and the crowd's behavior was pretty disappointing but not odd.

The behavior of the international media surprises me. Global media, especially Indian media, is questioning humanity and religion. But why do they forget their behavior on Indian brutality in Kashmir and Israeli brutality in Palestine? How can I forget about Muslims being tortured and killed brutally in Burma? No one raises the question about religion and humanity at that time.

No one takes action against it, they make videos get ratings, and that's it.

The crowd's behavior did not surprise me because the international media and government show the same behavior about the brutality in Kashmir, Palestine, and Burma.
We are all spectators and culprits because we gave rise to this "Watch, Capture and Forget" trend.

Umer Adil
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