The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

(Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi, Mianwali)

The Communist Manifesto is a book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published in 1848. This is recognized as the one of the world’s most influential political documents. This book gives us impressive analysis on Capitalism, Communism and Class Struggle. Book is dividing into four sections.

Karl Marx begins by stating the difference between Bourgeois and Proletariat. He perceives that society is split into two classes, The Bourgeois and The Proletariat. Bourgeois are the business class that emerged from the ashes of feudal society . Bourgeois developed industries and increased their capital and pushed into background every other class . They exploited the world market and converted doctors , attorneys and priests into paid wage labourer. They did rapid improvement of all instrument of productions . They agglomerated production and had concentrated property in few hands .They even changed family ties into money ties. In short they created a world after its own image . Then Marx made a contrast with the Proletariat. They belonged to the working class and were the slaves of Bourgeois. They were always exploited by the Bourgeoisie. They were recruited from all classes of population. They had done more work for Bourgeois and received less wages . Proletariat were used by Bourgeois in every place. Like Proletariat didn't fight their enemies but enemies of their enemies against absolute monarchy, landowner, non-industrial bourgeois and petty Bourgeois. Thus any triumph will be the victory of the Bourgeoisie.

After making comparison between Bourgeois and Proletariat, Marx makes a comparison between Proletarian and communist. Communist stand to the Proletarians. They have same aim as Proletarians have, like
1)Formation of Proletariat into a class,
2)Overthrow of Bourgeois supremacy and
3)Seizure of political power by proletariat
Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the product of society, all that it does to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of other by means of such appropriation. The communism don't want to abolish property generally but the abolition of Bourgeois property. Communist also desire to get rid of countries and nationality because working men have no country. It also abolish religion and all morality. Communism also put an end to eternal truths like Freedom, Justice etc. The purpose of communist is to do away with individuality, bourgeois independence and bourgeois freedom. .
In bourgeois society, living man is dependent and has no individuality. Bourgeois families depend on capital and on personal gains .There will be abolition of family. A Bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production .
So how we can defeat Bourgeois?
There can be two possibilities
1) The first can be to raise the Proletariat to the position of ruling as to win the battle of democracy.
2) Then Proletariat will use their political supermacy to centralized all instrument of production in the hands of state.

Marx talks about socialist and communist literature. All of these groups fight against the rise of the bourgeoisie and modern Industry, without realizing the historical process the bourgeoisie represent.
To begin with, Feudal Socialists were French and English aristocrats who wrote against modern bourgeois society. However, their chief complaint about the bourgeois was that it created a revolutionary proletariat that will uproot the old order of society. Thus, they objected to the bourgeoisie because they were a threat to their way of life
Second, the Petty-Bourgeois Socialists saw themselves as a class that would soon lose its distinct existence and merge with the proletariat.Marx admitted that the Petty- Bourgeois publications successfully showed the contradictions of the conditions of modern productionThus, this socialism was "reactionary and Utopian" and couldn’t accept the facts of history.
Third there were German, or "True" Socialism.These German thinkers absorbed some socialist and communist concepts from France, despite the fact that Germany and France did not share the same social realities.These socialists supported the aristocracy and feudal institutions against the rising bourgeoisie, forgetting that the rise of the bourgeoisie was a necessary historical step. They even rejected class struggles. Almost all of the so-called Communist and Socialist literature in Germany at the time, according to Marx, was of this type.

Concluding Karl Marx states that communist strives for the interest of working class . He gives relation of Communist with other existing parties like in France communist ally themselves with social democrats against conservative radical bourgeois. In Switzerland, they back the radicals. In Poland Communists support the party that insist on the agrarian revolution. In Germany they battle with the bourgeoisie . In short the communist everywhere support revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things. Last but not the least , Marx inspires the Proletariat and tell them to unite against the Bourgeoisie and make them shatters to rule the world.

Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi
About the Author: Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi Read More Articles by Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi: 22 Articles with 27177 views The writer is studying BS English language and literature at Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan... View More