Why I am an Atheist by Bhagat Singh

(Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi, Mianwali)

Bhagat Singh wrote an essay titled "Why I am an Atheist" published in 1930. This helps us to understand the dogma of atheism. Presenting a short review of his essay.

Yes I am an atheist. I deny the existence of God.This is not because I am pompous or arrogant.I am also not narcissist. This is not because of my vanity. I am also neither rival of God nor God myself. But I don't believe.

Why this happened? Why I started disbelieving in the existence of God? Let's go back to the past.I stop believing in God when I was a young man. In School, I was not a quick witted student that could give me feeling of pride and vanity . I was very Shy and pessimistic about future career. In those days I was atheist but not a perfect one. I started criticizing the religions after I joined National College during Non-Cooperation days. I am a revolutionary person . Likewise ,all the revolutionary person in the past like Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin,Leon Trotsky, they all were Atheist, so I am.

So why I don't believe?
I don't believe in the existence of God not because of my arrogance or vanity but this is because of my logic and rationality . I am a realist. I'm attempting to use the force of rationality to overcome my instincts. In past , ancestors believe in God because they were not logical persons but I am.

He also posed a question to his audience . He asks if you believe God is all powerful and almighty then why he created this world which is full of woes and worries , pain and pangs , tragedies and adversities? God causing tragedies everyday and how you ll that? Not a single soul is satisfied in this planet. Why he created such a miserable place? And if you want to answer this question by saying this is HIS law. Then I want to ask you ,is HE bound to law? If yes, he is constrained to law also , then he is not omnipotent. HE is a slave like ourselves.

And if you wanted to answer this question by saying he did that for HIS enjoyment and amusement. Then let me be very bold to cite two examples. Nero burnt one Rome and killed few people for the sake of his enjoyment. Atrocious Chenghiz Khan killed people for his pleasure. These both are notorius. They are recorded in history's black pages. So If your God did all that for his enjoyment. So what's the difference between them and HIM? I also don't believe God created this world to punish wrong doer and award the innocent in hereafter

More than this, If god is omnipotent,why he doesn't stop people from committed sin and crimes? Why He doesn't interfere? Why he does not instil in minds of British a thought to leave India? British is ruling over us not because God wills but because they have the power and we can't dare to oppose them. British ruling us not because with the help of God but because they have guns , police,militia,bomb,rifles ,bullets.
Where is God? What happened to HIM? Is he enjoying all this?

And if you want me to answer this who created this world and man then you are welcome to ask me. I believe in two things . Charles Darwin ' s theory of origin of species and Soham Swami's Common Sense . This is a phenomena of nature. You can ask me If God does not exist, how people came to believe in HIM? And this is pertinent question and I
ll respond by saying they believe in ghost's and evil spirits . They believe God is universal and this is philosophy well develop. Man is weak and limited that's why he created god in his own imagination. Further, Idea of God helps man in distress. It's a trap for poor to make them believe in immortality and rob him all of his riches and possessions.

I am showing consistence and Persistence with atheism. During my topsy-turvy situation especially during Lahore Conspiracy Cases , people say me to pray but I never prayed since I was committed to my belief. Once an atheist always a Atheist. I ll not relinquish my faith. I am not the one who will change his faith because of some adversities. I am man of ethos and yes I acknowledge I am an atheist.

Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi
About the Author: Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi Read More Articles by Shahbaz Munawar Kazmi: 22 Articles with 27181 views The writer is studying BS English language and literature at Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan... View More