Alishba’s disobedience caught her in trouble

(Asma Ahmed, Rawalpindi)

Near a deep, dark forest, lived a little girl with her parents named Alishba. She was 8 years old. They lived in a small cottage. Hareem, Alishba’s mother was very fond of gardening, hence they maintained a beautiful garden in front of their home. There, they had baby tomatoes, fresh mint, Aloe Vera, lettuce, and lemon too. That’s not all, Hareem along with her husband Raheel, planted cherry tree on Alishba’s birth. Alishba was 8 so was the cherry tree. The tree started giving flowers during winter season and that truly enhance the beauty of the area.

By profession, Raheel was a woodcutter, he used to cut woods during the day and then sold it in the nearby town’s market. The money he got was sufficient for the little family’s survival. Alishba was an obedient, intelligent girl. It was just the beginning of winter when her mother suffered from severe fever. That day, Raheel didn’t go out for his work as he had to take care of his wife. During mid-day, Raheel decided to take Hareem to the doctor, so he asked Alishba to remain at home till their return and never open the door for anyone. Alishba nodded her head in obedience.

Alishba stayed at home, then she thought of going out just to breathe fresh air and pluck some fragrant flowers for her mother so when her mother return she would be happy. She went out and kept going on and on in search of flowers, not realizing that she was moving away from her home. When she collected a handful of daffodils, she decided to go back home before her parent’s return. That was the moment when she noticed that it was getting dark and she had lost her way back home. Alishba sat down on a nearby stone and started weeping. Suddenly she heard the fluttering of something, she quickly opened her eyes and looked around. She saw a tiny, pretty fairy wearing a pink frock and a crown on her head. Alishba rubbed her eyes if she was not seeing a dream. The fairy asked her the reason of crying. Alishba told her that she has lost her way, her parents not at home and the night was just about to fall. Further, she mentioned that she had not listen to her father’s advice of not leaving the home until their return.

The fairy said that she could help her only if she would make a promise to her of not disobeying her parents ever again. Alishba agreed and said that she would always listen to her parent’s advice. The fairy smiled and asked Alishba to follow her. Alishba started walking even running behind the fairy as she didn’t want her parents to know that she had left the house and lost the way. After about 45 minutes, she was able to spot her house due to her beloved cherry tree. Tears rolled down from her eyes as she reached her house. Alishba thanked the fairy who was not less than an angel to her at that time of need. The fairy reminded Alishba her promise. Alishba quickly opened the door and felt relief on knowing that her parents had still not arrived. She sat down on a couch, drank some water and patiently waited for her parent’s return as she was worried about her mother’s health. After 10 minutes, her parents returned. Alishba was glad to know that doctor said her mother caught a viral infection and she would be well in 3 days.

Though Alishba’s parents would not be able to find the truth about her leaving home and getting lost in the woods, Alishba herself told them the whole story as she was not in a habit of hiding anything from her parents. She apologized for her act and made a promise to them that she would never do that again as she loved them both. Then she gave the bunch of beautiful flowers that she had collected for her mother. Alishba hugged her mother tight to show her true love and affection that she held in her heart for Hareem.

Moral: Always obey your parents.

Asma Ahmed
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