Clean Enivorment Solutions :Integration of life and livelihood interrelated to clean environment

(NAJAF ALI WANI PhD Mathematics, Vellore)

Ecosystem degradation, overgrazing, deforestation, pollution of river bodies, irresponsible use of natural resources, and other factors, Jammu and Kashmir, formerly famed for its diverse rich terrain and rich repository of biodiversity, continues to lose biodiversity at alarming rates. 68% of Jammu and Kashmir's population has access to employment opportunities through agriculture and related industries, which also generate about 30% of the country's total income. Due to changes in land use, global warming, climate change variability, and decreased water availability for irrigation caused by changes in the rainfall regime, there is a loss in food production. Inconsistent rainfall destroying good harvests.

One of major disaster is precious source from nature i.e. water. Water is connected to ecosystems and sustainable development. Once resilience to water-induced disasters and environment-induced vagaries is strengthened, attainment of other goals would be simpler because both water and climate changes are at the roots of the bulk of the tragedies. Strategies for lowering vulnerability and enhancing climate resilience should take water management, particularly water availability and quality, into consideration. Irrespective of where they are in their development processes and the unique climate issues that many of them face, developing nations should pay special attention to the nexus between economic development and climate change. Thus, "making development more sustainable” should be emphasized particularly.

Another varsity is found in forest cover that is nothing more than just planting trees: it may be improved by vast afforestation and social forestry programmers by mobilizing large numbers of people in favor of wise resource management. Restoration strategies improve indigenous knowledge, capabilities, and community needs while enhancing biodiversity. To ensure that all ecosystems are managed in an integrated way and also provide a variety of advantages to people, an integrated ecosystem approach to conservation of environmental resources must be adopted and improved.

Creating more sustainable development acknowledges there are numerous methods in which societies balance the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable development, including climate change. It acknowledges that there might be trade-offs and conflicts when taking action to advance one part of sustainable development at the expense of another.

We should explorer ancient’s tradition and once again adopt same strategy that was followed by ancestors such we should give more preference to environmental friendly concerns. This can be visualized by the quotation as "On land and in the sea, our fore-fathers lived and survived in this environment. They were able to do so because they recognise the need to conserve it, to take from it only what they needed to live, and to preserve it for succeeding generations."- Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

We must take care of our ecosystems if we want them to care for us. Climate change adaptation and mitigation methods are being developed with a special emphasis on water conservation, biodiversity preservation, and ecosystem management. These strategies are being better understood and shared among stakeholders. Ecosystem restoration includes jobs that safeguard ecosystems and biodiversity, conserve energy, and cut down on waste and pollution while assisting in the preservation or restoration of environmental quality for a sustainable future. Our suggestions for people to use the same strategy today are merely a reminder to rebuild the relationship we once had with nature. a connection that is both safe and beneficial. For the sake of our personal well-being as well as the well-being of many wealthy generations to come, we should follow the example set by our predecessors who maintained the environment out of pure instinct.

Live and let others live

About the Author: NAJAF ALI Read More Articles by NAJAF ALI: 22 Articles with 27595 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.