Lifestyle and career ethics for teenagers

(Injeela Saleem, Karachi)

"Recognize yourself"
In order to develop yourself, you have to know yourself.
As you advance in life there will be times when you will have to make many important decisions about your career and then you will have to make the most difficult but right decisions.
Knowing or understanding yourself involves many aspects such as your strengths and weaknesses, your interests, your likes and dislikes and much more.
Understanding yourself helps you recognize and correct your mistakes and become the best version of yourself. Also, you cannot understand people if you have no knowledge about yourself, because once you identify yourself, you can identify the people around you.
Knowing yourself also makes you immune to other people's opinions of you, and that leads to great peace of mind and high self-esteem.
People change...
"Growth is impossible; without change"
Just as a plant grows, but passes through different stages of growth, from seed to beautiful plant, so does man. In order to grow, one must grow in different stages.
People change, people move away from each other, they may not stay the person you knew them to be, and guess what? That's perfectly fine, because that's what we call "life."
Ask yourself, are you the same person you were in elementary school or college? The answer can be yes or no and differs from person to person!
People change as life requires constant evolution. In fact, it is sad to see them change, it makes one's heart heavy and unbearable. You have to face it too, but when you do, be positive, try to see the other side of the coin, these changes can help the person grow in life and love a better version of themselves. Learn to grow and embrace the changes along the way!
After self-worth and esteem, we also need to deal with moral values. Your dignity matters and your morals should be at a high level.
Moral values ​​and kindness have been prevalent in most teenagers in the past. The majority of the youth of that era learned respect, courtesy, consideration, decency, decency, honesty, and righteousness from an early age and had enough self-discipline to hold onto these values. However, these moral values ​​and self-discipline have slowly diminished over the years as most younger generations begin to disregard and devalue these ethics. The values ​​listed have slowly faded away as they mean very little to these youngsters as unfortunately moral values ​​and self-discipline are on the verge of disappearing.
The need to fit into society causes many teenagers to ruin their lives, especially their careers and lifestyle. One reason is that many teenagers lack the self-discipline to resist temptation and their raging hormones overwhelm their ethics. This lack of self-control to resist their impulses leads to child marriage. Many young people also have a problem with high self-esteem, they don't have enough courage to say "no". Teenagers tend to follow the norm and the trend. Many teenagers turn to unethical activities such as drugs, alcohol, smoking and theft.

Know your worth:
Your worth doesn't go down when someone doesn't see your worth. Avoid being around people who don't value you as much as you value and love them. Many people, especially teenagers, have done this and many still make the mistake.
You should know the difference between what you get and what you deserve. If you worry that this will make you feel lonely, understand that being around such people will ultimately make you worthless in your own eyes.
So being alone is a lot better than sitting around and regretting for the rest of your life. The lion is the king of the jungle because he stands tall when he's alone, and so can you! Learn to be a lion or lioness yourself!
Remember that regrets are far more painful than failures.
In the end, we only regret the risks we didn't take. Never hesitate to take a risk or an opportunity for fear of the results. You will fail sometimes and win sometimes, everyone does it, but not trying is not a solution! Failure teaches you the true value of winning.
It's always worth the risk. Even if things don't go the way you wanted, at least you tried and now you know what the outcome and the answer was. It's far better to know you've tried and failed than to wonder about the "what ifs".
Regret, stay with you for a long time, it bothers you every now and then and causes mental stress. So just take the chance and try it out! You can always get back up after a fall!

Child Labor:
It refers to a crime in which children are forced to work from an early age. It's like expecting kids to take on responsibilities at such a young age, like working and taking care of themselves. There are certain policies that have placed limits and restrictions on children's work, but unfortunately nothing works.
The average age for a child capable of work is at least fifteen years. Children under this age limit must not engage in violence. Why is that? Because child labor deprives children of a normal childhood, a decent education system, and physical and mental well-being. It's illegal in some countries, but it's far from eradicated completely.
If the families do not earn enough, they let the children of the family work so that they have enough money to survive, which is completely wrong and unacceptable. When the adults in the family are unemployed, the younger ones have to work in their place. Child labor is a heartbreaking issue, unfortunately we have no control over it.

Children's wedding at a young age:
Child marriage remains a widespread practice in many parts of the world, particularly in Pakistan. While the world is evolving rapidly, there are some regions that just can't keep up with the times. Sad is the dark reality of child marriage, which is often neglected. Child marriage is basically the formal or informal marriage of a child under the age of 18, mainly without their consent. In most cases the boy or man is older than the girl and it is closed because of money or surnames/traditions. Child marriage is nothing but legal exploitation. In most countries, the child must be 18 years and older to get married. Marrying the child before the age of majority is therefore an exploitation of their right. A lack of education is also a reason that child marriages take place.

In the end we see that it is precisely a lack of self-confidence and a lack of education that can cause so many problems such as child marriage and child labour. So it takes a little push to love yourself beyond doubt and to know who you are!
Our government must work towards a better education system specifically for the younger generation.
Remember, if you want to clean your home, start by sweeping from your front door.

Injeela Saleem
About the Author: Injeela Saleem Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.