Why do men go bald and not women?

(Ismat Usama, Lahore)

Men and women are both human beings but they are different biologically,so although there are  some common causes of going bald but there are some specific reasons too.Its an interesting matter  to probe into, why do men go bald and not women?Whenever men stand before a mirror and during setting hair ,found a lot of hair fall in the comb ,its a sign of start of baldness. Many gents don't  bother it and go to their job while the other take it serious and become anxious. Those who like to care their personality, try to control their hair fall.As a matter of fact, men go bald more as  compared to women. Scientists have made a keen research over this issue and have found some reasons. According to an international research , experts from South Korea have come to the result  of their research. They said those men who worked for long hours and work in 2 and 3 shifts ,get  baldness. The pressure of their work and less rest effect their body so badly that it causes hair fall. Scientists say about those who work more than 52 hours, have the tendency more of baldness. A research was done by The University of South Korea, in which they made experiments on 13 thousand men and got the result that those who remain under pressure of work and rest very less,  they gain anxiety .It effects their hormones and causes baldness.A long hard work makes the immune system weak and becomes a source of getting baldness.So we can say that the profession of  men also should be counted in this regard.  Usually,in men, hair fall starts in fifties.No body wants to look ugly so people change their hairstyles to conceal baldness.Such men become worried while looking into the mirror. Some try to grow hair  by using hair oils and shampoos.

Men spend more time outside so they face harsh weather just like sunshine and cold in its extreme  and get hair loss. More men become bald due to psychological pressures, professional jealousies,  load of work and financial worries, it effects their health as well as hair. According to medical experts, baldness is due to genetic reasons too.In such families ,where hairfall  transforms genetically, it becomes natural.Different researches tells that average ratio of normal hair fall is hundred a day. Our scalp has almost one lac hairs and average age of every hair is 4 years.During the period of one   month,a hair grows half inch and after 6 months,it falls.Among men with genetic hairfall,the ability of growing new hair is very less and many gents become bald before the age of fifty.

Another reason of hairfall in men is any disease like cancer etc.Some people have skin infections  which cause baldness.For healthy hair, healthy skin is necessary. Excessive use of hair dye also  becomes a reason for baldness. Those comprise chemicals which damage hair.Sometimes, malnutrition results in hair loss. Working outside, people have to eat fast food that is called junk   food,it is not healthy for hair.Lack of zink,protein and iron also results in baldness. People with the disease of Thyroid, also have to face hair fall in some cases. Those men who are so  busy to take a shower and do not clean their hair invites baldness. Cleanliness is very important for
growing hair.Scientists tell that a specific hormone name Testosterone becomes a reason for baldness in men.

In such countries where people use to wear caps and hats, the ratio of baldness is on the rise because continuous use of caps prevent hair from growing. Anyhow ,men have to face hardships and worries so they go bald very fast as compared to women.

Secondly, the lack of knowledge about nutritional facts enhance the ratio of hairfall.