Preplanned Genocide of Indian Muslims I

(Dr.Syed Mehboob, Karachi)

India is the largest so called “Democratic Country” in the world. It is the second most populous country and seventh largest country in terms of area in the world. It is bounded by the ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the south east. It shares land boundaries with Pakistan to the west, China, Nepal and Bhutan to the north, and Bangladesh and Myanmar. It is multi ethnic multi religions country. It comprises about 79.8 % Hindus, 14.2% Muslims, 2.3% Christians, 1.7 % Sikhs, 0.7% Buddhist, 0.4% Janism, 0.23 % Atheists and 0.65% others. It has an area of 3.287 million sq km and population is about 1.352 billion. It has about 1.07 billion Hindus , 192.7 million Muslims, 22.99 million Sikhs. Muslims are the largest minority in the world in India. India’s GDP in terms of purchasing power parity is US$ 10.207 trillion, third largest in the world, per capita is $ 7,333 , 122nd in the world, while its GDP nominal is $ 3.050 trillion 6th in the world, per capita is $ 2,191.

It is unfortunate that Hindu extremism is growing rapidly in India and Muslims are the soft target of extremists. It is worth mentioning that India has an extremist government led by Narandera Modi which is following the ideology of RSS. Indian father of the nation, originator and founder Mohandas Gandhi was killed by Nathoram Godse a follower of RSS philosophy. Gandhi wanted to give rights to Muslims therefore extremists disliked him badly and resulted in the assassination of him. Anti-Muslim riots history is long but is increased phenomenally after BJP got power in 2014. BJP has been the ruling political party of India since 2014. It is a right wing party pursuing the ideology of Hindu nationalism following the footsteps of Rashtriya Swayamasevak Sangh popularly known as RSS. As of 2021 it is the country‘s largest political party in terms of representation in the national parliament and state assemblies. The BJP’s Hindutva ideology has been reflected in many of its government policies. It supported the construction of the Ram Temple at the disputed site of the Babri Masjid and the issue was the major poll campaign in 1991 general election and resulted in demolition of historical Babri Masjid in BJP rally in 1992 and Hindu Muslim divide was widened.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder and originator of Pakistan felt this Hindutva dominance much ago and it proved true during BJP regime. RSS or The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh initially did not recognize the Constitution of India, strongly criticizing it because the Indian Constitution made no mention of "Manu's laws" from the ancient Hindu text Manuscript. When the Constituent Assembly finalized the constitution, the RSS mouthpiece, the Organizer, complained in an editorial dated 30 November 1949. So following RSS ideas meant destroying the fabric of unity of India and letting “Two Nation Theory “to emerge again.

Recently Hindu Extremists Call for Killing of Muslims, India’s Leaders Keep Silent Right-wing Hindu activists at a conference took an oath to harm Muslims if necessary to make “a Hindu-only nation,” the most blatant example of rising anti-Muslim sentiments across India. Hundreds of right-wing Hindu activists and monks rose in unison at a conference this week to take an oath:
“They would turn India, constitutionally a secular republic, into a Hindu nation, even if doing so required dying and killing. “If 100 of us are ready to kill two million of them, then we will win and make India a Hindu nation,” said Pooja Shakun Pandey, a leader of Hindu Mahasabha, a group that espouses militant Hindu nationalism, referring to the country’s Muslims. “Be ready to kill and go to jail.” Even by the standards of the rising anti-Muslim fury in India, the three-day conference in the city of Haridwar, 150 miles north of New Delhi, produced the most blatant and alarming call for violence in recent years. The crowded auditorium, where right-wing Hindu monks called for other Hindus to arm themselves and kill Muslims, included influential religious leaders with close ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s governing party, and even some members of the party. Realizing the dire consequence of this anti-Muslim move five ex-army chiefs, high civil officers, and prominent citizens wrote a letter to President and Prime Minister of India against this genocide call by Hindu extremists and terrorists.

True Hindus do not believe on such hatred campaign and they are worried about the integrity and unity of India. If timely action was not taken then another Pakistan and Khalistan is not very far while Kashmiris are already struggling for independence from India. It is pity that so called human rights champions in United States of America and European Union are silent spectators because India is strategic ally of theirs. They ignore gross human rights violation in Kashmir and India.

Dr.Syed Mehboob
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