Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Part 18

(Peer Muhammad Amir Sultan Chishti Qadri, Khushab)

of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
And My mercy embraces all things,
wa rahmati wasiat kulla shai
so I shall prescribe it for those who are truly devout,
fa-sa-aktubu-ha lilladhina yattaquna
and who pay the alms-due,
wa yutuna z-zakata
and those who believe in Our signs;
wa lladhina hum bi-ayati-na yuminun.
Those who follow the Messenger,
alladhina yattabiuna r-Rasula n-
the Prophet who can neither read nor write,
Nabiyya l-ummiyya. (7:156ñ57)
Theirs will be a double reward for what they have done,
la-hum jazau d-difi bi-ma amilu
and they will dwell secure in lofty halls.
wa hum fi l-ghurufati aminun. (34:37)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who are humble,
mubashshiri lil-mukhbitina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
And give good tidings to the humble,
wa bashshiri l-mukhbitin:
whose hearts fear
alladhina idha dhukkira llahu
when ALLAH is mentioned,
wajilat qulubu-hum. (22:34,35)
And those who give that which they give
wa lladhina yutuna ma ataw
with hearts afraid, because they are about
wa qulubuhum wajilatun
to return unto their Lord. (23:60)
anna-hum ila Rabbi-him rajiun.O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who endure with patience,
mubashshiri lis-sabirina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
And give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,
wa bashshiri s-sabirin :
to those who say, when a misfortune strikes them:
alladhina idha asabat-hum musibatun
To ALLAH we belong, and to Him we are returning.
qalu inna lillahi wa inna ilai-hi rajiun :
Such are they on whom are blessings
ulaika alai-him salawatun
from their Lord, and mercy.
min Rabbi-him wa rahma :
Such are the rightly guided.
wa ulaika humu l-muhtadun. (2:155-57)
I have rewarded them this day
inni jazaitu-humu l-yawma
because they were steadfast;
bi-ma sabaru
and they are indeed triumphant.
anna-humu l-faizun. (23:111)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who restrain their wrath,
mubashshiri lil-kazimina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
Those who restrain their wrath,
wa l-kazimina l-ghaiza
and pardon other people;
wa l-afina ani n-nas:for ALLAH loves those who do good.
wa llahu yuhibbu l-muhsinin. (3:134)
But whoever pardons and makes amends,
fa-man afa wa aslaha
his wage is the affair of ALLAH.
fa-ajru-hu ala llah:
He does not love the wrongdoers.
inna-hu la yuhibbu z-zalimin. (42:40)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who are active in goodness,
mubashshiri lil-muhsinina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
And do good.
wa ahsinu inna llaha
ALLAH surely loves the beneficient.
yuhibbu l-muhsinin. (2:195)
If someone produces a good deed,
man jaa bil-hasanati
he shall have ten just like it,
fa-la-hu ashru amthali-ha
while whoever brings an evil deed
wa man jaa bis-sayyiati
will be awarded but the like thereof;
fa-la yujza illa mithla-ha
and they shall not be wronged.
wa hum la yuzlamun. (6:160)

Glad Tidings of Good Things
[Bashair al-Khairat] –Part II
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who make charitable gifts, mubashshiri limutasaddiqina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:

And that you remit the debt as charity
wa an tasaddaqu
would be better for you, if you did but know.
khairun la-kum in kuntum talamun. (2:280)
ALLAH will requite the charitable.
inna llaha yajzi l-mutasaddiqin. (12:88)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who are truly devout,
mubashshiri lil-muttaqina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
And those who spend of what We have bestowed on them.
wa mimma razqna-hum yunfiqun. (22:35)
And whatever you spend [in a good cause],
wa ma anfaqtum min shaiin
He will replace it.
fa-Huwa yukhlifu-h. (34:39)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who are thankful,
mubashshiri lish-shakirina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
And thank the bounty of your Lord
wa shkuru nimata llahi
if it is Him you serve.
in kuntum iyya-hu tabudun. (16:114)
If you are thankful, I will surely give you more;
la-in shakartum la-azidanna-kum but if you are ungrateful,
wa la-in kafartum
My punishment is terrible indeed.
inna adhabi la-shadid. (14:7)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who ask,
mubashshiri lis-sailina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
I am Near.
fa-inni Qarib:
I answer the call of the caller,
ujibu dawata d-dai
when he calls out to Me.
idha daa-ni. (2:186)
Call upon Me and I will answer you.
[u] du-ni astajib la-kum. (40:60)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to the righteous,
mubashshiri lis-salihina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
The earth shall be the inheritance
anna l-arda yarithu-ha
of My righteous servants.
ibadiya s-salihun. (21:105)
Those are the inheritors
ulaika humu l-warithun:
Who will inherit Paradise,
alladhina yarithuna l-Firdaws:
wherein they will abide forever.
hum fi-ha khalidun. (23:10,11) O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to those who are active in goodness,
mubashshiri lil-muhsinina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
ALLAH and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet.
inna llaha wa malaikata-hu yusalluna ala n-Nabiyy:
O you who believe, invoke blessings upon him
ya ayyuha lladhina amanu sallu alai-hi
and salute him with a worthy salutation.
wa sallimu taslima. (33:56)
He will give you
twofold of His mercy and will appoint for you
kiflaini min Rahmati-hi wa yajal la-kum
a light by which to walk, and He will forgive you.
nuran tamshuna bi-hi wa yaghfir la-kum
ALLAH is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate.
wa llahu Ghafurun Rahim. (57:28)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to the recipients of glad tidings,
mubashshiri lil-mubashsharina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
Theirs are good tidings
la-humu l-bushra
in the life of this world and in the Hereafter
fi l-hayati d-dunya wa fi l-akhira:
there is no changing the words of ALLAH
la tabdila li-kalimati llah:
that is the mighty triumph.
dhalika huwa l-fawzu l-azim. (10:64) O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to the triumphantly victorious,
mubashshiri lil-faizina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
Whoever obeys ALLAH and His Messenger,
wa man yutii llaha wa Rasula-hu
he has truly won a mighty victory.
fa-qad faza fawzan azima. (33:71)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to the pious abstainers,
mubashshiri liz-zahidina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:
Wealth and children are the adornment
al-malu wa l-banuna
of the life of this world.
zinatu l-hayati d-dunya
But the abiding deeds of righteousness
wa l-baqiyatu s-salihatu
are better in your Lords sight for reward,
khairun inda Rabbiñka thawaban
and better in respect of hope.
wa khairun amala. (18:46)
O ALLAH, grant blessing and peace
ALLAHumma salli wa sallim
to our master Muhammad, the bringer of glad tidings
ala sayyidi-na Muhammadini l-bashiri l-
and the conveyer, to the unlettered ones,
mubashshiri lil-ummiyyina
of what ALLAH the Magnificent has said:
bi-ma qala llahu l-Azim:

پیرآف اوگالی شریف
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