The Unfit Diet

(Sajeel Hassan Hashmi, Chakwal)

The observations verify the information that hunter
gatherers often have dismal achievement as hunters
when roaming around the jungle. The cliche' we
modernists are trapped in that wandering out into
the forests and there are animals everywhere to be
pounced upon them and be eaten lavishly is merely a
presumption. It was difficult for our ancestors to prey
who then lacked bows and arrows except the Arctic,
Inuit people and other groups were the only to meet
their caloric needs through seals and fish. Researches
have so far calculated that our ancestors had
developed the habit of meat-eating by poaching and
by foraging. 
Our behaviour towards meat changed 10,000 years
ago when man started domesticating animals along
with farming which allowed us to taste grains and
barley along with meat incurred through kept
animals. Now dining had the meat in reception which
had respectively lowered its nutritious value when it
was no more raw and carbohydrates to breed our
bellies out. Harvard primatologist, Richard
Wrangham says the biggest revolution came when we
learnd to cook things and cooking things started
sometime between 1.8 million and 400,000 years and
further building his narrative claims that pounding
and heating food pre digests it, so the guts spend less
energy breaking it down, this is how you could not
stop eating because the food is already digested
before it reaches the stomach, but if it were raw, it
could not have been eaten in a larger quantity and
the humans would not have developed the civilized diseases like obesity and diabetes which are the
upshots of intaking such an unfit diet.
The revival of meat-eating developed since the
inception of industrialisation which gave people a
mass productivity of meat by farming cattles adopting
the mechanical methods enabling us to consume
more meat, once a blessing. Introduction of fast food
chains made it even more easier for the neo-human
to have it anytime they crave and anywhere in the
globe they want. The question is; Are we meeting our
demands to stay healthier? The answer is not
satisfactory to the audience. Renaissance of meat
eating in substaintive manner sprang up even more
during the First and Second World Wars when the
men were compelled to vacate their homes leaving
the women and children behind in the cities for an
indefinite period of time. You had now the marooned
cities once considered famous for their traditional
family dinners now  being replaced with Takeaways.
To quote an example, Trawler-Fshing led to the world
famous British "Fish and Chips" and a bit earlier, 
following the First World War, the Idea of automobile
industry introduced the "Drive in" restaurants so as
the franchising of outlets in 1921. Fast food which
was then a suburban commodity now had moved to
the urban developments of Europe. But the homes in
urban cities with incommodious nature lacked the
space in homes for cooking meals, so the industry
men thought to avoid the fire which could swallow up
the entire neighbourhood of the new industrial
developments built in close proximity. Succeeding the
ancient trait, women of war-men thought to forage
the food from nearby Fast Food stalls than spending
their time in kitchens. Do you think the food which
was cheap, quick and most interestingly meat-based
would provide us the same amount of protein and
calorie that our ancestors used to enjoy; the idea is somewhat objectionable. The then Fast Food growing
industry lasting for more than a century prevailed
and even becoming more fashionable up to now
among every class of society has no doubt adequately
addressed the need of growing population by
supplying enough meat to the world market, but the
problem is still hovering that how it is obtained. It has
gotten through the means which are even more
inhumane than any of your agro-based meals are
acquired, the animals mainly the cows and sheeps
which are too week to stand are subjected kicking,
shocking with electricity and lifting them up using the
heavy machinery to stand them long enough for the
authorities to authenticate their
slaughter.Therewithal, the animals are injected with
artificial hormones to speed up their growth because
of their disputed natural locomotion. The danger is
not yet over. It is later cut and packaged sometimes
with inexperience hands to let the manure gets mixed
on occasion which leads to food poisoning. Food
Contact Paper Packaging to avoid grease from leaking
is another contribution of getting diseased. And to a
shock, a cross sectional data study from more than
10,000 adolescents in 32 countries suggest that fast
food associated with suicide attempts too.
I know these back to back shocks must be leaving an
impact on the reader's side. So not just to show you
the darker domain, the Fast Food Suppliers have been
introducing health-friendly items and a number of
choices to beat the insistent criticism. State level
policies through out the world has forced the
entrepreneur to curb the advrtisements and put
healthy choices for the consumers.The veg-burgers,
juices and many more healthier items and beverages
are now an addition to optimise the menu. In 1992,
Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC to
avoid the word fried.
A stone age diet is the one and only diet that fits our
genetic makeup; the Paleo diet reads that eat plenty
of lean meat and fish but not dairy products like
cereals introduced after the enlightenment of cooking
and agriculture. But, we must acknowledge and be
humble to the modern man whose eating behaviour
has so much evolved by the time to a point that he
cannot simply abandon the available variety in the
market and become an uncontacted tribeman. We
have no choice but to eat the agro-based, dairy based
and meat-based cuisine, so the resolution is not to
leave but to create the balance in our diet. Lets be
simple and scientific for a while, starting from the
king of all spices, salt, which is there in every ready
meal you consume in the form of cheese, snacks
etc.The recommended level is less than 5g per day, so
when in market, choose the products with the lower
sodium, and in the kitchens, add less amount of salt
while cooking to avoid the common problem
associated with it, blood pressure.To further create
the balance reduce fats in your diets by steaming and
boiling instead of frying things. Baking products are
also on the same card reading biscuits, rusks and pies
that contain trans-fat which are the main source of
getting unhealthy. Do add starchy foods in your diet
as to meet your crave but to a point and with a bit
caution, such as brown rice and high fiber white
bread, because browns contain more vitamins and
minerals than the whites. Our meals are never done
without taking sugars so fruits are the best source of
fibre and vitamin.
Anyway, the subject is not to showcase a thorough
diet-plan from your breakfasts to dinners but to call
your conscious to hold and look around and be
specific in terms of your choices and eating habits
which has been victimizing the generations and the
generations to come. The studies suggest that the
uncontacted people of Tanzania, the Hadza people,
Tsimane and Inuit are not prone to any of your
common diseases as they have never been to the
practice of ultra modern cookery of processing the
food. Researchers are still cleaning the dust to know
more about the ancient diets before these tribes
extinct or meet the so called refinement of modern
age. Although, this beforementioned information has
so far been gathered from the nomads of tribal
societies which are the droplets of life and can easily
be understood that processed foods are the invites to
early deaths and ailments.

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Sajeel Hassan Hashmi
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