Proper Planning…… and…… Real Implementation! Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar (Faisalabad); Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan (Faisalabad)

(Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar, Faisalabad)

Is planning indispensable for the success?...... Think of for a while!...... there are more chances of success with proper planning ….. or …….without proper planning! It seems logical that we should plan our work properly to pave the way towards destination of success……. Is it???
Here we can see two prominent extreme categories of people. One extreme category is in favour of planning strikingly to the maximum level. These type of people are thinking of much more about planning ….. each and every point of planning…..thinking….. rethinking…… correction ….. rectification ……. so on…… “Just building castles in the air”……but……. What about real work ?……. A far cry from execution. On the other side, there is also other category of people who do not bother about “proper planning” …… only jumping towards work with blind confidence and abrupt decision. They are of the view that planning is ….. “Just wastage of time”.
We should be logical to concentrate that which is the judicious way to move towards success. Yes! You are right! ……The most suitable way is to balance the both. In every sphere of life both “proper planning” and “proper implementation” are part and parcel. Both are equally important. What would be the use of planning without the real implementation??????? What would be the success level/rate of blind implementation of something without proper planning???
We can comprehend the strength of the both (planning and implementation) in our real life examples. You can compare two businessmen who are in this competitive era. Who would be more successful?….. the businessman without proper planning and visionless implementation or the other with proper planning and implementation. There are more chances of success for the later one. Think of the other walks of life! farming, teaching, management, administration, supervision etc. … each and every scenario….. the balanced and proper use of both looks essential and applicable! In this era of competitive environment, it is the need of the hours that right planning should be followed by real implementation of plan. Survival for the fittest…. with appropriate planning blended with implementation. For the real development of countries, nations, society etc. proper planning with real implementation both are very much necessary. So, …….we should be rational…… in “Proper planning” …… then….. “Real implementation” for real success!

Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar
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