Oman Vision 2040: An Outcome of Omani Leaderships’ deep love for their country I

(Dr. Syed Mehboob, Karachi)

Those countries and nations are considered highly fortunate which have sincere, hardworking, able, dedicated, committed leadership and Oman is among one of them. Omani leadership formulated a policy of neutrality, avoided conflicts, promoted peace, tolerance and harmony and played a very important role bringing various countries closer to remove their differences by dialogue and paved the way for strong future development scenario and durable peace in the region.
Sultan Qaboos bin Said who turned Oman from a poverty ridden and a backward country to a modern one on scientific footing with combination of Islamic and contemporary education without sacrificing its beautiful traditions, values, language and culture. He not only ruled over the land of Oman but also over the hearts and minds of Omani people. He loved his people and was well-wisher of them. Under his visionary, able, committed leadership Oman which previously was isolated now became a very important country not only in the region but also globally. He implemented a policy of modernization, development, prosperity and ended Oman’s international isolation. His reign witnessed a significant rise in living standards and mass development in the country. He abolished slavery, and out down the Dhofar Rebellion and promulgated the constitution of Oman.
Sultan Haitham bin Tarik succeeded to Sultan Qaboos. Following the footsteps of Sultan Qaboos, His majesty Sultan Haitham also has a vision to further develop and modernize Oman compatible to Omani culture and Islamic traditions. Since formally assuming office on 11January,2020, at a joint session of the Oman and Defense Councils, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has been marshalling national energies in the service of a renowned Omani renaissance. As the infrastructure of Oman Vision 2040 is established, layer by layer, the goals of the renewed renaissance are merging with that vision. Oman 2040 was launched at the start of 2021 alongside the Tenth Five years plan (2021-2025). Together these three strategic and mutually supportive projects can be seen to come together in the sweeping vision of His Majesty Sultan Haitham. In an early and ground-breaking address, delivered on 23rd February,2020 the far-reaching extent of that vision were made clear in his pledge to overhaul the state’s administrative apparatus, broaden the access of young people by expanding opportunities for their contribution to the development efforts. Women could expect greater empowerment and a more prominent position in the action and consequences of the changes to be brought in by Oman vision 2040. Supporting these major shifts would be a legislative infra structure that would see through the reforms into a future of sustainable and comprehensive development.
Oman 2040, is a comprehensive, well thought, well documented, free of ambiguity visionary plan of Omani leadership which reflects deep love, sincerity of Omani leadership with its people and country. His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tariq described his visionary plan as in his own words, “Oman 2040, was developed, in line with the Royal Directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the vision is relevant to the socio-economic context and objectively foresees the future, to be recognized by the Sultanate as a guide and key reference for planning activities in the next two decades. Oman Vision 2040 is the Sultanate’s gateway to overcome challenges, keep pace with regional and global changes, generate and seize opportunities to foster economic competitiveness and social wellbeing, stimulate growth, and build confidence in all economic, social and developmental relations nationwide. While identifying the national priorities, the vision focuses on reshaping the roles of and relation between the public, private and civil sectors to ensure effective economic management; achieve a development gains among governorates; and protect the natural resources and unique environment. Furthermore, the vision builds on the principles of citizenship and genuine Omani identity to modernize the educational ecosystem, support scientific research and innovation, develop healthcare regulations and services and lay the foundation for social well being and relevant basic services for all segments of society. The vision has also attached great importance to governance and its related topics, given that it influences all national priorities in terms of enforcing oversight, ensuring the effective use of national resources, honouring principles of integrity, justice, transparency, and accountability; so as to boost confidence in the national economy and promote competitiveness across all sector under the rule of law.
The vision was developed over several stages. The Committees started by identifying the vision themes, and pillars, followed by a current status analysis and identification of national priorities.

Target To achieve till 2040
Government effectiveness world governance Index Value 1.8 or Top 10 countries
Global Innovation Index Value > 51.98 or Top 20 countries
Skill Global Competitiveness Index Value > 83.2 or top 10 countries
Real GDP per Capita (Growth rate) Increased by 90%
Global Competitiveness Index Value > 76.6 or top 20 countries
Real GDP Growth 5%
Omanis share of Jobs created in the private sector 40%
Non-Oil share of GDP More than 50%
FDI Net Inflow % of GDP 10%
Environmental Performance Index Value > 74.69 or top 20 countries

Striving to become a developed country, the Sultanate of Oman is building a productive and diversified economy, founded on innovation, integration of roles, and equal opportunities; leveraging Oman’s competitive advantages, driven by the private sector towards integration into the world economy and active contribution to international trade; to ultimately achieve inclusive and sustainable development, based on effective economic leadership that operates within an institutional framework of coherent and contemporary economic policies and legislations, to ensure financial sustainability and diversify public revenues. In Oman’s vision for the future, a favourable environment is developed to attract talents in the labour market; partnerships grow in a competitive business climate, comprehensive regional development is achieved through decentralization, guided by the principle of optimal and balanced use of land and natural resources and the protection of the environment to bring about food, water and energy security. Smart and sustainable cities are built with advanced IT infrastructure; and socio-economic prosperity and social justice are nurtured in urban and rural communities. This vision lays down the foundations for an empowered knowledge-based society whose members are creative, proud of their identity and culture, committed to their civic duties and values and living in dignity and sustained well-being; a society endowed with leading healthcare system, an active lifestyle and an inclusive education for lifelong learning to develop skills for the future, promote scientific research, build national capabilities and achieve economic growth and social well-being in a state with flexible yet strong agencies, all encompassing governance, effective supervision, swift justice, efficient performance, an ever renewing media, aided by an empowered civil society that participates in all aspects of life, towards higher levels of human development.
A fair perceptive on Oman’s current position reveals that Omanis and Society at large are in constant evolution driven, in all directions, by a strong Omani identity that is open to and acceptive of other identities and culture. Precursor to reliable infrastructure, modern legislative framework and well-defined relations between economic actors, the economic achievements so far accomplished are the product of Omanis’ work, interaction and awareness of local, regional and global dynamics. Today, the maturity and sophistication levels reached by Oman pave the way for a new beginning where challenges, society needs and ambitions are addressed with more confidence. Over the past decades, the Sultanate of Oman used oil revenues to lay the groundwork
for the present day, promote human development and develop many economic, social and cultural sectors. Oman thus attained leading positions in many critical areas and is in its pathway to further development in the future.
Today, as we look forward to the future of Oman, building on our past achievements, we recognize that our economy and society must no longer rely on (non-renewable)] resources but on innovation and knowledge, by investing in opportunities triggered by regional and international dynamics, and based on the following:
• The wise guidance of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said –May his soul rest in eternal peace–, domestically and vis-à-vis foreign relations;
• Omanis’ readiness in terms of identity, educational level and qualifications, and awareness of the necessity of the desired transformation.
• Investments made in infrastructure and logistics.
• The unique geographic location, climate conditions and natural resources available.
• The global network of balanced, reliable and open international relations.
• The legislative framework and foundations of good governance, currently under development.
• The clear aspirations, aligned policies and societal consensus regarding the way forward.
• The promising national talents in all areas.
In addition to the above, the political stability and will to enter the new era framed by Oman Vision 2040, while taking into consideration the nature and specificities of the Omani society, and the profound recognition of the importance of balanced and inclusive development, well-being, prosperity and justice.
Dr. Syed Mehboob
About the Author: Dr. Syed Mehboob Read More Articles by Dr. Syed Mehboob: 119 Articles with 75006 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.