Let’s explore! Are we living a healthy lifestyle?

(Asma Ahmed, Rawalpindi)

One of the most frequently said saying 'You can get life once' can simply be rejected by anyone just like me. My readers must be thinking that the writer is out of her mind. Wait! Before making a weird sketch of me in your mind, give me a chance to convince you towards accepting my point of view.

Dear Readers! Actually, we are getting a new life daily as soon as we wake up from a sound night's sleep. Now, I hope you are near to understand my thought. Say Alhamdulillah, if we are among the fortunate ones who get a chance to live one more day, we must make the best and productive use of it by focusing on healthy lifestyle.

Now the question is about how? Here, I am to hold your arm and lead you towards the path of healthy, happy life.

The dilemma is that a vast majority of us live our life for others. Showing clear negligence towards our health and well-being. I beg don't judge me wrong here. Do your best in taking care of your near and dear ones but not at the expense of your own health. Sacrificing your rest and health make you weak not only physically but emotionally and psychologically too.

Most of the people around us take us for granted, happy enough till we are caring about them. Once we become sick, hardly anyone of them show much concern towards us. One of the best suggestions I can give to my readers in such a scenario is that your health and well-being must be your top priority.

Believe me it works. If you are active, fit and fine, you are in a much better state to take care and give extra comfort to your family members. You will see a huge difference in your health and in the attitude of your loved ones towards you.

Let's cheer up! Open your eyes and see yourself; you and me together on the way achieving true health. Healthy lifestyle means healthy you, healthy you mean wealthy you, wealthy you mean happy you, happy you mean happiness all around you.

So are you with me to enjoy healthy lifestyle from dawn till dusk!
1. Its wake-up time. Stretch yourself to activate all your body muscles.

2. Come to the kitchen, drink a glass of luke warm water with a teaspoon of honey added. This will not only clean your stomach from all the toxins but a simple tonic for glowy skin.

3. Now let's move to the open space; if available for some exercise. It can either be yoga, deep breathing, stretching, light jogging, skipping rope or else. Morning exercise not only improve energy but help your blood flowing.

4. Done! Kitchen move is the next. Breakfast is the most important meal to start the day. Take a healthy meal that may include boil egg, slice of bran bread or you can have paratha with desi ghee and sugar-free cup of tea; all this with the most essential element of ‘peace’ without any hurry or worry of all day activities. Meal taken with ease and calm relaxes our mind nerves making them strong and healthy.

5. Then work, work and work. Click, click, Lunch time! Have a light meal this time. Take either a big bowl of salad with chickpeas or you can have soup with bran bread. This meal keeps you light and active.

6. Must be tired after household chores or if you are at work, you can enjoy nap time on a holiday. ‘Qaylula’ or nap is recommended for its benefits as it can boost memory, improve job performance, enhances mood by making my readers more alert and stress relieved. And remember, it is Sunnah as well. So, with no doubt every Sunnah has benefits. In doing so, you will be getting reward/sawab for following a Sunnah and definitely enjoy all the mentioned benefits too.

7. Time to refresh yourself for the next half of the day. Take tea or much better option is of your favorite fruit. No doubt, fruits are a bundle of nutritious benefits, being rich in insoluble fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, B6, E and K. Taking fruits help my readers to prevent and fight against various diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer as well.

8. Throughout the day, try to drink eight glasses of water. Keep yourself hydrated for a healthy body, clear skin, healthy heart and kidneys.

9. Dear Readers! Take out a little time for evening walk. Can be done in the park if possible or else in the home lawn or terrace. Deep breathe that’ll help improve your lungs health. Packed with the benefits evening walk help in improved sleep, reduces stress, freshen up your mood, improve metabolism and brain functioning.

10. Everyone back home. Time for dinner now. Early dinner is always a good choice. Try to make your dinner as easy and light as possible for better digestion. Definitely after that you have to go to bed. Avoid oily and fried food items in dinner.

11. Maybe I forgot to mention it earlier or I left it out deliberately. Here I want to focus on the health of my male readers. ‘QUIT SMOKING’ once and for all. I would not like to go in detail of the harmful impact of smoking on health. What all you need is will power to say a big ‘NO’ to cigarette or cigar or else. With a single No, you can become a winner in defeating dangerous diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

12. Dear readers are you with me? Just a little more tip and then I will free you. A cup of hot milk with less than half a teaspoon of turmeric is awesome for making you feel relaxed. Taking it regularly may help reduce inflammation in the body, this also cure any muscle or joint aches.

13. Last but not least, or maybe this point must be discussed earlier. Ok, no problem. Don’t forget to offer your daily five times prayer. You won’t believe me; it has been proven by medical science that while offering prayer our body is welcoming great number of benefits. During Salah/namaz, the movements we made have direct or indirect effect on the body. These movements not only improve our posture and increase intake of oxygen, also enhance the proper functioning of respiratory, endocrine, excretory and blood circulation. Apart from this, namaz has wonderful impact on our emotional and psychological health, as it lifts our mood, enhances positivity and boost our confidence. One can get rid of feelings of isolation, fear, anxiety, depression and stress; all this just by offering prayers. This point can be reinforced by the results of the study conducted on the people who pray compared to those who do not. The result shows lower rates of depression, stress and anxiety in the people who offer prayer. Amazed! So, never skip a single Salah to help your mind and body cherish all these awesome benefits.

Now, healthy lifestyle ends here with healthy habits and healthy eating. A minor but essential skin care is a must. Cleanse your skin, apply your favorite night cream. Set your soft pillow for a good night sleep and don’t forget to set up alarm as well to wake up the next morning at the right time with fresh and active mind. And yes, try to take eight hours sound sleep.

Take my advice by heart! Make a promise to yourself to take good care of your health to live healthy, happy, long life.

Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The data information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, which is gathered from different sources but might have some errors. Hamariweb.com is not responsible for errors or omissions. Doctors and Hospital officials are not necessarily required to respond or go through this page.

Asma Ahmed
About the Author: Asma Ahmed Read More Articles by Asma Ahmed: 50 Articles with 52422 views Writing is my passion whether it is about writing articles on various topics or stories that teach moral in one way or the other. My work is 100% orig.. View More