Generating Maximum Ideas Through Appreciation……. “Brainstorming”

(Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Faisalabad)

How many words !........ you can recall or retrieve from your memory to appreciate others………. like……. Good!... Very Good!... Excellent!..... Brilliant!...... Marvelous!...... Suburb!.........Mind-blowing!.......Bravo!......Well done! ….etc.

If the answer is a number of appreciation words …..then a pertinent question arises ……. How many times!.... we use these words in daily routine............... think of a while!……….. It is a matter of concern for all of us that even having vocabulary of appreciation words we are usually not in habit of appreciating others. It seems easy to criticize others……. and……. difficult to appreciate others.

Coming towards the real point to comprehend the force and energy of these appreciation words. The appreciation words act like energy booster. In a scenario of frustration, downhearted, dejected and gloom, the spark of appreciation words can sparkle and enlighten the way of thinking. These words should be incorporated in our daily routine. In this way, we can develop a conducive environment for better interaction. It is matter of positive energy. On the other hand, if we use destructive criticism, it would trigger the negative energy and downfall.

There are number of learning techniques, however, “Brainstorming” is a unique technique (for generating maximum ideas) having the appealing aspect of appreciation for boosting up the morale of the group members. There is no criticism during the session. All types of ideas are welcomed. In this way, every member of a group can be motivated……. even those who are shy and hesitant to participate.

The “Brainstorming” technique (also with some modification according to the situation) can be applicable for formal and non-formal types of education. In the scenario of formal education, teachers can effectively use this technique for sake of creativity and encouragement. Likewise, in non-formal type of education extension worker/development worker can motivate the participants to generate maximum ideas through appreciation. The appreciation words should match with the culture and the situation.

For more information regarding “Brainstorming”, you may explore a number of sites and video through internet.

Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan
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