Navigating the Uncertainty: Strategies for Students Facing Career Indecision Post-Graduation

(Maha Moazzam, lahore)

As we transition through life, our elders often reassure us “bus yeh karlo, agay toh phir asani he hai” (once you attain this, the rest will be easy) yet, with each passing phase of life, we realize that the responsibilities on us just seem to multiply. Students dedicate all their time and energy trying to attain a good education, believing that upon graduation they will be able to set their future, but the reality often proves to be more uncertain and ambiguous than expected.

Taking into account our educational systems in Pakistan, students are loaded with theoretical knowledge but lack practical skills which are crucial for real world-application. Due to this, upon graduation when students are about to enter a practical field, they are all perplexed, unsure of what to do and how to do it. This ambiguity grows into a burden, hindering their progress. As the saying goes, "knowledge is power, but applied knowledge is empowerment," highlighting the importance of practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. Hence, students should not only focus on acquiring academic qualifications but also seek opportunities to gain hands-on experience in their chosen fields.

Moreover, Pakistan lacks a culture of career counseling, with 99% of students in schools, colleges and universities not having access to career counselling services (Akbar et al., 2023). Students are left to navigate their future paths alone, leading to confusion and indecisiveness. Some of them struggle to choose a career, while others who have already made a choice, remain unsure if it's the right one. Those who had made rushed decisions, to avoid falling behind, are filled with remorses (Li et al., 2015), prompting some to switch fields repeatedly, in a search for a career where they feel satisfied while others remain stuck, unable to decide if they should change careers or keep going, fearing wasted time and resources. In such circumstances, having a mentor or a career advisor can be invaluable, providing guidance and support to help students make informed decisions about their future.

The economic uncertainty of Pakistan further exacerbates this issue. As food, beverage, and transportation costs have increased by more than 45 percent, Pakistan's consumer price index (CPI) increased 31.5 percent year over year. This is the largest yearly pace in over 50 years (Jazeera, 2023). For Pakistan's poorest citizens, who make up one-third of the country's population, it is now more difficult than ever to put food on the table (Anees, 2023). Considering this situation, everyone feels the pressure to be financially stable in order to not just fulfill their basic necessities but to progress through life and be able to provide a good and comfortable lifestyle for themselves and their families. Fresh male graduates living in this male dominated society feel this pressure even more intensely, as they are typically considered to be the breadwinner of their homes (Luciano, 2024), so society expects them to carry the onus of their responsibilities as soon as they graduate.

However, with evolving times, women are embracing their career ambitions and aspirations as well. According to UNDP (2021), women are now entering an expanding field as home-based workers, techies, inventors, entrepreneurs, startup founders, and businesswomen. The growing trend of dual-career couples is increasing, emphasizing on how important it has become for both partners to make financial contributions due to poor economic conditions, leading to women now facing the same financial strain and stresses as men. Despite the challenges, it's crucial to acknowledge the progress made towards gender equality in the workforce. By promoting equal opportunities for men and women, society can harness the full potential of its human resources, leading to greater economic prosperity and social development.

However, Pakistan's rate of women's labor force participation (LFPR) is still 21% overall, far lower than the 39% global figure. The Gender Gap Index 2022 ranks Pakistan 145 out of 146 nations in terms of economic participation and opportunity, and despite a 10-percentage point improvement in the last 20 years, the rate of progress is stagnant (UN Women, 2023). This highlights the importance of creating opportunities for women and promoting their education and career building so they can contribute as well. Compared to single-earner households, dual-career couples can more successfully manage financial problems and provide their children with a better future, education, and lifestyle (Reddy, 2021). According to World economic forum (2018), if we add more women to the labor force, it would lead to more economic advantages than an equal increase in male workers, it would also lead to higher levels of productivity. Encouraging women to participate in the workforce not only empowers them economically, but also leads to positive societal changes, including reduced poverty and improved living standards.

As a result of feeling the pressure to have a clear professional path and be financially stable to carry the responsibilities, the students undergo extreme stress and anxiety. Unable to decide which career would be the most suitable to fulfill their needs. Studies have revealed that career indecision and uncertainty among young students lead to anxiety and career related issues (Skrbiš & Laughland-Booÿ, 2019; Creed et al., 2009; Campagna & Curtis, 2007). Leading to despair, depression, helplessness, stress, and lack of purpose in life (Creed et al., 2016).

This is made worse by the norms and conventions of Pakistani society, in which comparing one individual’s achievements to another is rather prevalent. This is not just confined to the general public, but, alas, is further aggravated by the strong influence social media plays in today’s day and age. Individuals who share bits and pieces of their life, portraying only the ups such as their stories of success and accomplishments, aggravates the mental health status of many individuals who fail to realize the selectivity and lack of authenticity of social media and end up comparing themselves.

In the age of social media, where everyone's life seems perfect online, it's important to remember that appearances can be deceiving, and comparing oneself to others only leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. This comparison leads individuals to feel complex, doubting their abilities and experiencing feelings of depression, loneliness and despair, especially among those who are still uncertain about their career choices. According to Leo (2023), if we constantly compare ourselves with people, we think are doing better than us it could lead to detrimental effects on our mental health such as low self-esteem, decreased satisfaction of life and increased levels of anxiety and depression.

According to Khan et al. (2021), In Pakistan, 42.66% of university students reported having depressive symptoms. However, instead of comparing oneself to others, it's essential to focus on personal growth and progress, celebrating small victories and milestones along the way.

It's important to address these concerns and handle it in a better way in order to help our youth be able to deal with this period of uncertainty, be financially independent and so they can contribute to the progress of our economy as well, by utilizing their skills and knowledge. This also underscores the importance of investing in mental health support services and promoting a culture of self-care and well-being within educational institutions and society at large.

To deal with this issue, it is first essential to create awareness regarding it. We need to normalize and encourage students to take a short break to recharge their energy after graduating. The break may be different for everyone depending on their circumstance and preference, some might take a few months off, others might take a gap year. However, taking a gap year doesn't mean feeling yourself behind instead according to Mota (2015) it’s an opportunity to recharge your brain that is tired and to regain ambition. This echoes the sentiment that sometimes, taking a step back can ultimately propel us forward.

Appreciating their accomplishment of completing their degree and setting a deadline to get back on track and re-engage with their career paths is really important. During this break, they should reflect on their interests and make an informed decision only after exploring the pros and cons of different fields. As self-reflection is the key to understanding one's passions and aspirations, paving the way for meaningful career choices and personal fulfillment. It helps us to become better version of ourselves, provides with greater clarity and the ability to respond to the challenges of life with informed decisions (Meraz, 2024).

To make it easier for students to have a clear mind set and prevent this state of confusion, we need to establish systems that provide free career counseling early in life, starting from school, is important. This helps children explore their options and become clear about their career aspirations. Through each educational transition, career counseling should be continued, along with career fairs, informational interviews, and networking events so they can be aware of potential opportunities, be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, discover their interests, and choose a suitable field for their future. Guidance and mentorship play a crucial role in shaping students' career trajectories and helping them navigate the complexities of the job market. As mentors with their vast experience and industry knowledge can help individuals define their goals, provide insightful opinions on different career paths, and offer helpful advice on how to make wise decisions (Murtagh, 2023).

In addition to providing theoretical knowledge to students, institutions should be encouraged to develop critical thinking abilities, problem solving skills and teach practical skills to their students which will be helpful in their careers. Although theoretical knowledge is important, it doesn't equip students with the practical skills necessary to succeed in their chosen areas. Also, it hinders the student’s capacity to acquire critical thinking ability, problem-solving skills, and collaborative skills all of which are important to achieve success in the future (Pratikparekh, 2023). Emphasizing a holistic approach to education, institutions should prioritize the development of both academic excellence and practical proficiency among their students.
Students should be encouraged to explore the practical world through internships, observerships and volunteer work which provides valuable experience and exposure in the field of interest. Meanwhile, they should set short-term and long-term career goals based on their interests, as setting goals gives students a sense of purpose and direction, guiding their actions and decisions towards achieving their desired outcomes. They also trigger motivation, inspiration and helps to focus more on what matters the most to an individual (Pettit, 2023).

Developing skills that are relevant to their desired career path, both technical skills such as gaining proficiency in softwares, learning programming languages and soft skills such as communication, time management or problem-solving is important. As developing your skills is essential to develop personally and be trained for your career (Coursera, 2024). Continuous learning and developing skills are important for staying relevant and to be competitive in today's fast-paced job market.
Most importantly, during this time students should realize that they aren't alone in this journey. Many other students are navigating similar paths. During this period of uncertainty, they shouldn't forget to prioritize their mental health and self-care. Since, in Pakistan Seeking help for mental health is often stigmatized, people avoid seeing professionals help for the challenges they are facing. However, there are certain techniques to relieve stress and anxiety on their own, such as mindfulness can help them to be present in the moment and be aware of their thoughts, feelings and surroundings without judging them (Scott, 2022), which can aid in dealing with the situation calmly and with more clarity. There are various ways to practice mindfulness including paying attention, accepting yourself and living in the moment (Mindfulness Exercises, 2022). However, refocusing your attention on the inhaling and exhaling of your breath on a regular basis is the easiest way to cultivate mindfulness (Hoshaw, 2022). During challenging times, seeking support from your own family, friends, or mental health professionals can provide a sense of relief, alleviation and reassurance.

To relieve stress, anxiety and depression they could utilize progressive muscle relaxation which has been proven efficacious (Khir et al., 2024) in this, you tense and then relax each muscle group in your body from toes to head to help reduce physical tension and promote relaxation. Deep breathing exercises and visualization, where you imagine yourself in a calm and peaceful place to let go of your worries can also be practiced to reduce physical tension and foster relaxation. Sometimes, just letting things out of your heart by simply talking and sharing your thoughts and feelings with loved ones can help alleviate anxiety, stress and provide more clarity. According to Suttie (2021), when you express your feelings, you feel more connected and a sense of belonging, which also helps to reduce stress and when people empathize with us, we feel heard and supported.
As students stand at this path of uncertainty, it's important to remember that it's okay to not have everything figured out as soon as you graduate. The journey to find the right career path and becoming successful in life is not so smooth. You have to be strong and work through it. Taking time to explore, figure things out and then make informed decisions is normal. By seeking support, prioritizing mental health and staying true to their values and goals, students can navigate uncertainty with confidence. Embracing uncertainty as part of the journey towards personal and professional growth empowers individuals to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and ultimately, thrive in their chosen paths. In such moments of doubt, it's essential to remember the proverb, "Rome wasn't built in a day," reminding us that success often requires patience, perseverance, and tenacity.

Maha Moazzam
About the Author: Maha Moazzam Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.