Will AI replace humans?

(Erfa Rizvan, Karachi)

What do you think, can AI replace human intelligence? AI is the astonishing and innovative discovery of humans. Robots are example of AI. Since, technologies are becoming advance day by day to provide an alternate and easy way to perform any task. AI has almost entered every field like business, medical, agriculture, as waiters etc.
What is AI? AI is artificial intelligence which means performing human tasks and behaving like humans. Invention of AI has taken away jobs from many people but it has also provided advancement and progression to businesses and other fields. A fact which we cannot deny is that behind AI are humans.

By learning programming skills and other computing and development skills we have generated AI. Robots only work the way we want them to do because AI requires programming and database management. AI can never replace humans because AI works on our finger tips. it can only think to the extend we want them to. AI is restricted to perform tasks, however, we humans have God gifted unlimited intelligence. We can think, make decisions, work, walk on our own which means we are independent and free to do anything which is totally opposite for robots and AI. They are totally dependent on us and our programming skills.

AI cannot replace us because we are the creators of AI and all the technological advancements, researches, experiments are fruit of our hard work and polished skills and in the future, only we would be bringing up the advancements not AI. Instead, AI will help us in future advancements.

Erfa Rizvan
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