Dr. Muhammad Iqbal


Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, A Philosopher Poet, A Genius Linguist, A Man of Foresight, A Man of Strong Faith in All Mighty God, A Man of Peace and Unity, A Man of Justice and Equality, A Man of Love and Humility, A Man of Wisdom and above all, The Artist of First Ever Islamic Republic, which got freedom in name of Islam.

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who was a great Indian Nationalist in his early days. Who wanted equality and justice for all in India. Who dreamt of an Independent and Free India, which was then a British Colony. Dr. Iqbal, who kept on opposing British Rule in India even when he was awarded with the honorary name of "Sir" by the Royal Crown of Britain. Dr. Iqbal, who was beyond the differences of religion, region, colour, race, caste and social status:-

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, A Man of Peace and Equality for every Indian regardless of race, religion, region and caste, who dreamt of a strong and united India free from British Rule. A Man who loved humanity irrespective of religion, who was enforced to be disappointed in his "dream India". Who, despite of all his love and unity messages, was let down by his own Country mates, his own people who discriminated each other on the basis of religion. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who sang songs and wrote poems for India in his early days, got disappointed on superior and unjust attitude of the High Caste Hindu dominated India towards other Minorities including Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Low Caste Hindus. Same Patriot, same Nationalist and same Supporter of Free and United India changed his mind after getting disappointed on attitude of Hindu Community of India:-

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, The Originator of Two Nation Theory on the basis of which, a free Independent Muslim State Pakistan was created on August 14th, 1947, passed away before Pakistan's emergence on the globe and never had an opportunity to watching his dream coming true. But Pakistan, which is 53 years old now by the grace of Allah Almighty, stood up in August 1947 as per dreams and desires of it's great architect:-

Lahore is that City of Pakistan, which is given this honour of being the final residence of the great Philosopher Poet Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (November 9, 1877 to April 21, 1938).

 وشمہ خان وشمہ
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