Towards understandinig "Na'at"

(Bashir Hussain Nazim, haydrabad)

Towards understandinig "Na'at" -the "Eulogy of the Prophet of Islam (the choicest blessings of Allah be upon him), its promotion and services rendered by"Na'at Rang"

By Bashir Hussain Nazim.

Na'at Lexiconically is an Arabic word which means to praise an illustrious and most outstanding Personality. The Oxford Thesaurus gives us score of equivalent words of Praise, like eulogy, commendation, acclamation, tribute, compliment, applause, homage, plaudits, encomium and panegyric.

In Bokhari the words... Na'at and Thana are mentioned in the chapter of. Al-tumaninatconsolation of heart. Consequently Hazrat Anas an honoured narrator and companion of the holy Prophet Muhammad blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported to have eulogized the Prayer of the Messenger of Allah before the companions (may Allah be pleased with them). His narratiqn is as under:

Kana Anaso yan,ato Lana slaatan Nabiyye. Hazrat Anas used to praise the Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad before us.

In pre-Islamic Arab society, a person possessing several venerable habits, morals and character, used to be called "Howa Notatun" meaning thereby that he possessed laudable qualities.

In lexicon there are also other words which correspond to Na'at as followsl:Hamd, Thana and Mad 'h. Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Riza Brailvi has used the word ofHamd for praising the Lord of the Lords and the word Na'at for the applause of the chief of the IProphets (blessings of Allah be upon him). As such, in Arabic, Persian, Turkey, Urdu and in other languages of the world, the verses which are composed under the caption of Na'at, do mean the praise, applause and encomium of the holy Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him).

The eulogies of the chief of the Prophets Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him) are profusely available in the previous and pristine scriptures and some Non Muslim peots including Hindus, Sikhs, Parsi and Christians have written lovely and captivating eulogies to pray a glowing and resplendant tribute to the Prophet of Islam.

During the worldly life of the holy Prophet, according to a sane research on the topic, there were more than one hundred and eighty poets from the companions of the holy Prophet who possessed an outstanding station in Arabic literature and poetry. It is taken for granted, that the Caliphs of of IIslam Abu Bakr, the faithful, Umar the great, Ali the gate of the city of knowledge, hazrat Abbas, the uncle of the holy Prophet, HazratHarnzah the Lion of God, Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha, Ka'ab al Ahbaar and Ka'ab bin Zuhair were the best eulogizers of their Master Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him).But Hassaan bin Sabit Ansari enjoyed excellence in the field of eulogization of the Prophet.

Na'at (eulogy) is not only composed in Verses, but it is also written in Prose. The address ofHazrat Jafar-al- Tayyar(May Allah be pleased with him) was the excellent eulogy and encomium in the court of King Negus. Similarly, Tabaqaat-al-Kubra, seerat Ibne Hishaam, Shamail-e-Rasool and Dalail-un-INubuwwat are the best records ofNa'at (eulogy) in Arabic language. In Persian language, Maarijun-Nobuwwat, Shawahid-unNobuwwat and Madarijun-Nobuwwat are elegant eulogies in Persian Prose. In Urdu language, Khutbaat-e-Madras, Seeratun-Nabi, and Paghambare-Azamo Akhtar are the best specimens of prose, praising and eulogizing the beloved Prophet of Allah the exalted.

If the import ofNa'at I (eulogy) is applause appreciation, supreme morality and exquisite habits, then the ILord of the worlds has also eulogized His beloved Prophet saymg;
i. And Lo; thou art of a tremendous nature.
ii. We sent thou not save as a mercy for the peoples.
iii. Verily in the messenger of Allah, ye have a good example for him wholooketh unto Allah and the last day and remembers Allah much.

Durood and Salam also falls in the ambit ofNa'at (eulogy) which have specially been ordained by Allah as follows:
Lo; Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him a worthy salutations.

Na'at I (eulogy) is a Divine tradition which has been adopted by the previous prophets (blessings of Allah be upon them), and if seen in the perspective of the history, we see the prominent Apostles and Prophets to eulogise the chief of the.
Prophets. Adam (peace be upon him) sought forgiveness from Allah by the mediation of Muhammad. Abraham prayed for his advent and erection, Jesus Christ gave good tidings of his coming, Shoaib called him his sweet heart. So it is taken for granted that the lips of David were embellished with his eulogy, he sang songs of his elegance, excellence, dignity and honour and Jacob and Joseph cherished great love for the holy Prophet of Islam, in their bosoms.

Actually Na'at is a genere of prose and poetry which s bewitched the heats of the Companions of the holy Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him).

Following and emulating the Companions of the Prophet, the Companions of the Companions of the Prophet, the divines, saints, the erudites the scholars, the jurists, the theologians and all lovers of the holy Prophet, composed eulogies according to the degree and height of their imaginative powers. So it may be said rightly and conscientiously that now till the post eternity, the praise of Allah and eulogy of the Prophet shall be shining in the firmament of human hearts. The resplendance and refulgence of eulogies shall, continuously, illuminate the atmospheres of the earth and sky. Na'at (eulogy) shall bean expression and manifestation of love and affection with the beloved of Allah, and a source of enlightenment of faith, and light of Gnosticism.

While composing a Na'at (eulogy) the verse of an illustrious poet namely Izzat Bukari (mercy of Allah be upon him) must be the cynosure of all the eulogywriters:
"there is a sanctuary of reverence underneath the sky, where Junaid Baghdadi and IBayazid IBistami, take audiencesuppressing their breath".

Keeping in view the above verse, every Na'at-writer, should be an embodiment of reverence and respect, keep in mind the station of dignity and honour of his "praised". He should endeavour to select and choose the appropriate words, should know the style of expression, and do the best efforts for the veneration of the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him). Poet should remain within the circle of righteousness. Apart from the above fact and verity, he should make a thorough study of the seerat of the Prophet, should have the knowledge of historical events, knowledge of illustrious Quran, science of the tradition of the Messenger of Allah. His heart should be filled with acute love, and commitment with the holy Prophet He should be aware of the highest spiritual station of Divine juxtaposition of the beloved Prophet He should have a complete introduction to the Islamic cores and bearing and well conversant with a Gnostical intuition and insight. For writing captivating and fascinating eulogy, the following requirements are also to be kept in mind:
i. The growth of inner-self
ii. Purification of heart and vision.
iii. Purity of soul and spirit
iv. Conviction of thoughts and beliefs.
v. Healthiness of passions and
vi. Submission of heart and vision.

But for the par-excellence in diction and lexicon, devotion and affection lofty thoughts, good imaginative power and creative ability, an attractive eulogy cannot be produced.

These requirements cannot be met out without the love of the "Chosen one" kindness of the Lord of the Mejesty and abundance ofDurood and worthy salutation.

This is a glaring fact that the Na'at-writer of today, cannot excel the Poets of the past in understanding, wisdom, knowledge, ken comprehensiveness, devotion and submission. The present period, indeed, lacks in the personages like Shaikh Ahmad Jam, Allama Sharafuddin Boseeri, Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami, Sa'adi Sheerazi, Maulana Room and Allama Iqbal (Mercy of Allah be upon them).

As the promotion and dissemination of zeal and zest of eulogies is concnerned, countless efforts have been made by some writers with sincerity and devotion. Some commendable Na'at Numbers have been brought out recently which include "Auj Na'at Number, of Government College, Shahdara, Lahore, and Al-Rasheed Na'at Number in three volumes. These numbers have indeed, been brought out with utmost efforts and serious endeavors. The selections are praise-worthy and commandable.

"Na'at Rang" Karachi being brought out by Sayyid Sabih Rahmani has played and is playing a commendable and praise-worthy role in respect of popularization of Na'at genere, not only in Pakistan, but also in all continents of the world. The people of the whole world Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Canada are now very well familiar with the eulogies of the holy Prophet and through the enthusiastic efforts ofSayyid Sabih Rahmani, "Na'at Rang" is immensely popular amongst the people of all continents. Every Issue of IN a' at Rang takes away the hearts of the readers. Its publication and articles on different topics are indeed invaluable which are spreading light and resplendeance in the bosoms and hearts of the readers.

"Na'at Rang" is the first and foremost magazine of Pakistan, which makes spiritual feasts of the lovers of the holy Prophet(blessings of Allah the exalted be upon him). The style of presentation of articles is excellent which is the result of hard-working and personal interest of the editor who is very skilled in brining out magazine of outstanding standard and criterion.

The editor of "Na'at Rang" Karachi, Sayyid Sabih Rahmani has been endowed with various outstanding qualities and attributes. He has a melodious voice and recites the eulogy of the Crown of the Apostles (peace be upon them). Apart from bearing the quality of singing the songs of the "Praised of the Universe", he is a good poet of eulogy. The eulogies written by him are simple in nature, but of great efficacy. His heart is an abode of Divine grace and bosom is the dwelling-place oflove of the holy Prophet ( blessings of Allah be upon him). I personally feel that all these blessings and benedictions make circumbulation of his heart and he himself is meant for making the circuits ofKabah of souls and spirits (blessings of Allah be upon him).

In different periods, various persons have had the honour to promote the cause of eulogy and love of the Prophet (may Allah grant thems honour and Prestige) but Sayyid Sabib Rahmani in this respect, stands on a very high station. During a little span of time, Na'at Rang has gained great popularity because of the fact that the matter and material being published in it is heart-taking, lovely and effective.

If we start counting the attributes of"Na'at Rang" we can plunge into the deepest layer of the sea of Research and take out the pearls of applause for Sayyid Sabih Rahmani in countless number. But we suffice to laud the magazine with the saying ofSa'adi Shirazi "The misk speaks itself and not the misk-seller".

Dear Readers! If you are desirous of enlightening your hearts do purchase and read "Na'at Rang" Allah may protect you all with His might and power.
(Published by : "The Nation" Daily, Islamabad,
Eid-e-Miladunnabi Special Edition, Friday, March 21, 2008)

Naat Research Centre
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