
(imran safdar, Faisalabad)

Pertinent should with system of universal channel make global example like village media is my chapter today this duration spend going life very speedly and participating of media about learn method is become reach peak necessary in this present modern life of universal.

One thing occur and this event reach very fast prevails all boundaries and averts but this speed cannot stop this is big source preaching own opinion for others certain reach very swift sharp forlic.

The reading hobby i mean print media importance not finish this season of fast competitions every one want go across each other this life is certain fast reading is our religious right this provide the power to mind for explore.

The character electric media i mean darling joyfull give a power like envoy of Pakistan and voice of Pakistan reach all around the world just a moment with out any hesitation this should do more for country development of progress put up the case of those peoples who are domain and no one help this should challenge the rite of brutal those hard press soft n provoke.

Some clear my advise that they should give respect honors of the require able persons those are real Muslims real Pakistani and have good envoy of Pakistan unhonour is a actor run in political game with amazing for pilot And those who are guest as represent the message for mankind should speak very pilot in best manner attitude sense fasting not look boundary it is non stop and this fields safety dignity its goal.

I am strange puzzle explain between mutual electric and print media this two are run fasting with same some time and some time in nation interest but this should attack very majority produce the case of Pakistan very high no define fields earth respect we are educated and our minds are very wise like Bahadar Shaha Zafar a true Muslim Leader.

This modern style life cannot lost very necessary of reading this is our main agenda first read then deliver or first write then issue to others for the best interest on Muslim nation Pakistan is real representative of Muslim World this is Pillar of Islam and peoples of Pakistan are the protector our sober assets theory ideology.

Barasigeer ki zameen pukarty hay Qybari Bahadar Ki
Jawani thi us ki Muhammad and Ilan tha Ali
Wo Omar ki Lalkar aur Hamza ki Bhai
Wo Karbala ka Medan aur Allah ki nashani

Yeh zamin pukari hay dilay bahadar
mir jafar hamesha raswa rahy ga

Muhammad ko Tarpaia bin Abei
Abu bakar bana Jafar e tiar a bilal

hum malik they barasigar kay
dolat na luta sakay ha,mari ezat e Ghani

Tipue tha aik sher e babar of islam
haider rehay ga chain say hemasha saeed

Ayoubi tha sultan e mozzam hadi e hijaj
Toot gia dil Changez ka talwar e Razia Sultan

imran safdar
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