Time Mangement

(ghazalkhanzada, tandoallahyar)

Time play very important role in our daily life if we control life than we will control time every seconds minutes hours days important for us because past seconds minutes hours days not come back Allah gives us 24 hours every human we should maintain our time we should divided our time in three parts one part sleeping second working or study third other affairs we make list of work which will i do in day with out list we should not start our affairs or work if you completed your work with successes than you give yourself toffe ice-cream etc if you not completed your work in time than you will punish yourself time is the key of success time is the wealth of human time is the gift of Allah we should thankful to Allah on this blessing.

About the Author: ghazalkhanzada Read More Articles by ghazalkhanzada: 3 Articles with 26569 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.