Importance of Career Counciling

(Muhammad Ali, Gujrat)

Lack of career counciling is one of the major problems of students. Specially after completing metric they face this problem. They don’t know what subjects should be will suit them.

Most of the parents want to make their children doctor and engineer. They just want to fulfill their desire, and mostly they are unaware of the interests of the children. On the other hand young children are not in a position to take decision or oppose their parents .In a result they choose subjects which they don’t want to study.

It is a fact that if a person is forced to do something he can’t pay full attention to that.

Career selection has a great importance, because wrong or unsuitable selection of subjects can spoil the abilities and fracture of a student. Young generation of a nation is its asset and if it is vanished then it is not possible to make progress.

So it is very important that students should be guided properly.

It is needed to change the mind of the parents who force the children to study science subjects. They should be reminded that, Pakistan needs not on doctors, engineers and scientists but it needs lawyers, poets, teachers and polititions as well and these fields are associated with arts subjects.

Teachers and parents should help the students to choose subjects, according to their interests. They should keep an eye on the scope to the particular subjects in the country. Media can play an important role in this matter. It can create awareness among the students. Career counciling seminars should be organized to guide the students. These steps can be helpful for the students to choose right subjects.

Muhammad Ali Malik
About the Author: Muhammad Ali Malik Read More Articles by Muhammad Ali Malik: 17 Articles with 44646 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.