Unemployment in Pakistan

(Muhammad Ali, Gujrat)

Unemployment is an economic term. It means the percentage of labour force without job. It is a global problem. Unemployment is on its peak in Pakistan. According to the recent statistics, approximately 5.95 percent of labour force is unemployed in Pakistan. It is increasing day by day.

Effects of Unemployment:
Unemployment is not only a social means but its consequences are far reaching as well. It brings frustration and depression among the youth and purser it to negative activities. It is one of the cases of robberies, street crime and terrorism, in our country. Politically it brings discontentment in the people. Votes are bought and sold.

Causes of Unemployment:
There are numerous causes of unemployment in Pakistan.

Our education system is not according to the needs of our country. All the attention is paid to theoretical education and practical is ignored, that’s why there is shortage of skilled hands in Pakistan.

Pakistan is a developing country, and needs skilled people for progress. We are not advance in industry, we can’t absorb all the youth in factories.

Our birth rate is very high. The resources of the country are not enough to maintain such a large and growing population.
Jobs are less than the need of the people.

One important cause of unemployment is the behavior of our young people. They don’t like manual work, they are dreaming of a good office job and a high social status.

Negligence of our government is one of the major causes of unemployment in Pakistan. Its current polices and efforts are not enough to decrease and eliminate unemployment form Pakistan.

Solution of Unemployment:
When a large portion of population is unemployed, no effort for national progress can succeed.

Some certain steps are required to get rid of unemployment.

First of all, changes should be made in our education system. It should be made according to the requirements of our country. We need not only educated but skilled and professionally trained people to make progress, so it should be able to produce the required type of people.

Family planning pogroms should be popularized to control the birth rate.

Government should facilities of technical and vocational training, to the people. In this way they would be able to enhance their knowledge and earn their livelihood.

Government of Pakistan has taken some steps in the regard. The National Man Power Council runs a National Employment Bureau, which helps the people to get jobs. Tow youth employment services have also been established to reduce unemployment.

Muhammad Ali Malik
About the Author: Muhammad Ali Malik Read More Articles by Muhammad Ali Malik: 17 Articles with 44645 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.