A boy who discovered how to make bread.

(Afreen, Abbottabad)

Once upon a time there was a tribe named chapeiwa tribe.This tribe was the most interesting tribe of the time. It's habits were unique and way to difficult for other's to try.But there was a odd habit in the tribe.The tribe used to do that when a boy was fourteen years old,for it is the family's duty to obey some commands.The commands were that
(1)The boy will stay in the forest for 7 days alone.
(2)The boy will eat nothing until 7 days.
(3)After the fast of seven days god will help them in an delightful way.

So one day a boy in the chapeiwa tribe was fourteen years old. At first the family was sad at the boy leaving but when they thought that god was goning to help them ,So they were happy after that boy's leaving session. It was the duty of the boy's father to take him to the forest.So the boy's father left him in a deep dark forest and hoped the God will help them and his son in fasting and also made him a wig wam(tent). At first the boy thought that it is easy but after one day he felt it hard Even before.The same day at at afternoon the curtain's folded back and a man with green plumes on his back and wearing a plant type on his head appeared and said "fight with me". At first the boy was going to say why should i fight with you!!!but at the time he said "okkkkkkkkkkkay". And started fighting...Ohhh the boy felt something strange that when he touched the man he felt strong again.After the fight the man said that I'll come back again tomorrow. And left the wig wam. The next day same happened.Then again the man left the wig wam.The same happened too. After two four or three days the man again appeared and said "now can you defeat me".The boy said "yes".and again they fighted. But this time the boy really defeated the man at the last day of his fasting.But this time the boy defeated the man and the man was gonna die.At once the boy left fighting and saw the man.The man was dying.He said to the boy that "When i am dead you bury me in the soil and water my grave one day you will get your award".And said in his last breath. The boy felt sorry and slept.The next day his father came to take him.But he never forgot the man words.When he goes with his father for hunting he always watered his grave but he never told anyone that what he was doing because he thought that people would say that he was fasting and half awoken so he must be dreaming.One day when his father was gone hunting he saw that the grave was holding large,high,soft and golden plumes.The boy was first amazed to see that the gave has golden plumes but he said "I should now tell my father about this".And he trotted off with great speed.He fetched his father and said "Is this my reward from god".His father didn't replied.He touched the plumes gently and tasted them.They were delicious.His father said to him that "my boy this the reward for the chapiwa tribe.His father took him home and after that the chapiwa tribe never wasted that time to hunt and waste energy but made bread for themself's and led their life happy ever after.

Thank you RIZWANA KHAN` for commenting on my story Alamagsi (The innocent girl).
Thank you other readers.
This story is also *****MADE BY MY SELF*****

About the Author: afreeni am a girl. i am 12 years old... View More