Fire Extinguisher And ISALM

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)


There was a fire in the frying pan while the ladies at our home were working in the kitchen. They called me immediately for help after dialing 911. The flames were astonishingly high; five feet, and got hold of the kitchen cabinets. All I had to do was use the fire extinguisher that had been installed right in the kitchen. The speed of the fire and the efficacy of the extinguisher both astonished us although the kitchen was destroyed. It took only two seconds to extinguish the huge fire, thank God. The fire truck took 8 minutes to arrive during which time the entire house could have burned.

Seeing the five feet high flames and not knowing the speed and efficacy of the fire extinguisher, my initial reaction was to place the frying pan on the ground. It caused a third degree burn on the dorsum of my right hand followed by some infection. It is still under treatment and healing slowly but steadily. Of course, a lot of friends and acquaintances have been visiting us since then.

The funny part: A local ‘Maulana’ Saheb was among the early visitors. I thank him for his courtesy. But he said, “Dear Doctor Saheb! It was a folly to use the fire extinguisher. You should have had enough faith to put your trust in ALLAH and recited, RABBANA AATINA FID-DUNIYA HASANATAN-WWA- FIL-AAKHIRATI HASANATAN-WWA-QINA ‘AZAABANNAAR. (Our Lord! Give us in this world all that is good and in the Hereafter all that is good and save us from the doom of fire.) And the fire would have been put out without doing the least bit of harm to the house and to you. But you trusted in equipment rather than trusting ALLAH.”

This reminded me of:

1. The Ottoman Sultan Saleem Pasha: He declared the use of firearms Haraam against a war with UK saying that it would be against the Sunnah; Muslims could fight with swords and arrows and nothing else.

2. When Russia invaded Bukhara, the Mufti Azam of Bukhara came up with a verdict: Let Bukhari Sharif be constantly recited in all Masjids. The enemy would soon turn their back.

3. Nizamul Mulk Toosi, the founder of DARS NIZAMI, exclaimed, “O Emperor! God has appointed you as the monarch of such a vast empire. Should you not be grateful to Him? The arrows cast by your archers will not travel beyond 30 yards, but even the sky, a vast shield, cannot measure the arrows of prayers flung by the army of my madrasahs.”

To this, Sultan Malik Shah Saljuki fervently replied, “O My talented Vizier! We will produce such an army without the least delay!”

The consequences are obvious and need no comment.

Reminder: If you do not have fire extinguishers at home, please buy them and teach your family how simply they can be used. This was the main purpose of sharing the experience with our respected viewers.

To achieve any task we have to do everything whatever is possible in our available resources after then we should ask ALLAH the Almighty's help, assistance and guidance.

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed

Note: To achieve any task we have to do everything whatever is possible in our available resources after then we should ask ALLAH the almighty's help, assistance and guidance. Every Ghazwa was faught with all available resources and then being asked the Assistance of ALLAH the almighty.

H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 390659 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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