Dream the Impossible Dreams

(Saad Iqbal, Karachi)

Don’t think that dreams are only illusions or unintentional, rather dream is something that stirs us up, that boosts up our emotions teases us to move and never to stop, dream is something that helps us to set a goal, to carry on struggle, to think higher and higher, to wish more and more, to widen the horizons of desires and never to be satisfied with our present situations but always long for better, more colorful and willing life and always rise to the peaks of destination.

Longston Hughes has said:
“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that can not fly”

It is a miraculous, marvelous and precious gift from God that we can dream, dream our life, dream our future and dream whatever we want to do, what ever we want to be. Even we can dream the so called impossible dreams. We have been given a golden chance to visualize our self, to conceive what we want to happen with us, where we want to see ourselves. The most interesting thing is that there is neither any limitation not any restriction to roam in the valley of dreams. Dreams are like a mirror that makes us feel our existence, our personality, and our qualities and ensure us that we are really something and confirms our identity.

William Arthur says:
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it”

He is very much true as it is all the matter of mind and thinking and nothing is impossible on the globe of world. One can easily become whatever one wants by imagining or dreaming. Dreams are like foundation blocks that give rise and support to the tallest buildings, the stronger and the deeper the dreams, stronger and taller will be the building of life and its achievement. In fact, when one thinks of achieving a goal or dream, to reach some destination, an image or map of the way towards achievement of target is naturally framed in ones mind which guides and leads one to the attainment and success. Dreams or like a flowing river which keeps on moving, we, like travelers with eternal thirst when find it we can’t move away from it as the river fulfills our needs dreams too help to actualize our mission, meet our search and quench our thirst.

Saad Iqbal
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