Our Country's Future ?

(Nadeem Abbas Jafri, Karachi)

Asalam Alaikum ! My Honorable Pakistani's I Explore Our Present Political Situation Which one Goes to Danger Way day by day After General Elections 2008 Due to Some Political Leader's Personal benefit's They are want to break national interest with Judicial, Political, and Unfair Criticize of Mr. President its time to be Unite with forgotten passed incidents but some leader's still stand on them agenda to remove Mr. President from the screen that's totally Unfair May ALLAH save us from this kinds of leader's who want to do anything for them own benefits at this position we will stands for Mr. President he is only Brave man who know very well to defend our country in Uniform or without So i kindly request for the nation Come Forward and gave Support to Mr. President ITS MOST NEED OF OUR PAKISTAN. May ALLAH gave us thought to know this Critical Situation and be United for Mr. Pervez Musharraf ( ILAHI AMEEN).

Nadeem Abbas Jafri
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