Ban On The YOUTUBE Must Be Lifted!!

(Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

 ‘Democracy Is The Best Revenge’

Does it make any sense to burn down an entire library just because you don’t agree with the contents of one of it’s book??

The reason for writing this letter is to talk specifically about some valid point. I am a student and I have used YouTube for help in my studies many times. But because of the YouTube ban I am unable to access my studies. I know the argument for banning it was based on blasphemous content but the government should understand that thousands of students all over the country are losing out because of the ban. Who knows a day will come when Facebook, Twitter and even Google may be banned in Pakistan. Secondly, and most importantly, it is done at the cost of students who suffer badly for no fault of their own. Not only this its is also a free medium of information for people and plays a pivotal role in religious education because a large number of people go on YouTube to read the Quran and other religious texts,”

Furthermore, hate material is not confined only to YouTube and can be found on many other websites as well. However, it is not possible or advisable to shut everything down. Raising awareness against racism, hatred and hate material should be done and, in this regard, the PTA can also set up a hotline for people to call in and register complaints.

As a result of the ban on YouTube, which is owned by Google, several websites which have nothing to do with YouTube (but because of their affiliation with Google) are also inaccessible for users in Pakistan. One of these sites is the very useful Google Maps, and I have heard that there are several others. What is the government, doing about this? Even those outside of the ‘liberal-fascist’ viewpoint are now beginning to understand that the months-long ban on YouTube is suspect, and few believe this issue is about blasphemous content anymore. The question is, who benefits from the YouTube ban in Pakistan?

More over Top International universities put their lectures on YouTube and this is a great opportunity for students of developing countries such as Pakistan. Other study-specific content has always been helpful to students as well.

I request to the responsible’s of the present government and especially the PTA to see the bigger picture and lift the ban immediately so that, at least, students don’t get affected in their studies. I think we have already made our point by banning it. Now it should be restored immediately.

Muhammad Noman
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