Cancer Treatment, Are We There Yet?

(umer zada, karachi)

Cancer has been the most distressing disease that has recorded millions of casualties worldwide. Our surroundings is constantly being filled with many carcinogens day by day in the form of plastics, tanned food, arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, cadmium, diesel exhausts and other air pollutants. Thus prevention, treatment and mitigation of cancer are a huge challenge for the medical fraternity.

Oncologists depend on molecular biology of cancer to decode the disease and find a major breakthrough in the care of the cancer patients. Integration of molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and biochemistry of the cells have enabled comprehensive analysis of tumor cells that still continues in the dark routes to crack the most effective approach to prevent and treat cancer.

Cancer even now remains elusive with so many hidden links and targets which when unveiled can give the patient a new lease of hope. The molecular changes involved in initiation and propagation of cancer involves major genes namely- oncogenes, tumor genes. Mutations of these genes are the major cause for cancer. Some protective sequences and pathways such as cell cycle control and mismatch repair may prevent tumor generation. Thus, Cancer therapy concentrates largely on these molecular targets.

The cancerous cells are like normal cells, but they differ in their genetic stability, cell cycle controls, loss of p53 gene, and proteins. The therapy may be traced by exploiting the weakness of the cancerous cells such as genetic instability, flaws in the cell cycle controls, lack of chromosomal integrity, shattered apoptosis pathways and DNA repair pathways. Selective quenching of the blood perfusion to the cells may be another method of killing cancer cells.

Molecular analysis of the tumour cells have given clues on critical genes of which p53 is of prime importance. Mutations on p53 genes are associated with the tumor cells; repair of this gene is a distinctive approach to heal these cells. This is a promising method that is further studied to effectively repair the p53 gene which can then suppress tumorogenesis.

Even tumor cells undergo deviations in DNA metabolism that can be detrimental; these may be alterations in DNA replication, recombination, repair and ultimately the chromosomal integrity. With these vulnerabilities the tumor cells may be side lined and bring their growth to a standstill. This is what the radiation therapy does to the tumor cells, the otherwise harmful electromagnetic radiations are targeted on the tumor cells selectively so that the chromosomal integrity is lost and the tumor is eradicated from the body completely.

The major challenge in the cancer treatment is the resistance offered by the tumor cells to chemotherapy. The response of cancer cells differs widely to the chemotherapy and radiation therapy that the understanding involves complex possibilities and deviations. The resistance to anti cancer drugs is related to enhanced expression of gene- Mdr1. This gene by excessively producing plasma membrane bound transport ATPase prevents the absorption of anti cancer drugs in to the cancer cells. So, this gene is a direct target when the patient is on chemotherapy. A simultaneous watch on this gene has increased the success rate of the cancer chemotherapy.

While the complete cure of cancer is not evident, it's not very far. With a consistent approach we have come ahead putting many hurdles behind us. Study of molecular changes of tumors on sub cellular and genetic levels has resulted in many major breakthroughs that keep the promise to fight cancer completely out of this world. The improved success rates of the cancer treatments, advent of unique and innovative treatment approaches day by day has proven cancer can surely be cured completely. With our hopes and faith high we shall definitely beat cancer eventually.

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umer zada
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