Memory Improvement Strategies

(zeeshan shoukat, karachi)

5 Important Techniques You Simply Need to Know

Wouldn't it be great to have a better memory, I'm sure there is nobody in the world who couldn't benefit in their daily lives by improving their memory.

One of my favorite memory improvement strategies is to learn something totally new to you, like a new foreign language or start re-reading your high school Shakespeare. When you do repetitive tasks day in day out, your memory isn't exercised as it has few new useful things to remember. Also, learning something new is a terrific motivator in itself.

Concentrate more in day to day life on the present moment: While this may sounds abstract, most of us walk around with our heads in the clouds, totally taken in by the thoughts in our heads, it's hardly surprising we remember little details such as getting the groceries when we have so much mental noise. Concentrate on what is happening in front of your face, at this moment.

Meditation: The scientific community is coming to recognize that meditation is not just for hippies, it helps concentration of the senses which links directly to memory. It's as simple as sitting there with your eyes closed, concentrating on the flowing in and out of your breath for a set period of time. This brings a relaxation into your life and will help quiet your mind. It's one of those things that can't be explained in words fully enough because language doesn't do it justice, it has to be experienced.

Sleep well: One of the oldest and most true stories surrounding memory is that it affected hugely by sleep. We have all gone a long time without sleeping and know the state of general grogginess that it brings. Recent studies have shown that you should have a time you get up every morning (say 6am) and go to bed when you get tired. After a week or so, you will settle into a natural rhythm in synchronicity with your circadian rhythm.

Simplify your life: People usually struggle with memory because they leave such hectic live that its near impossible to keep up with all the things going on. Eliminate the unnecessary, simplify the rest, and give others work that isn't yours. Select a few areas of your life that you really want to do or feel it is your purpose too, then try your best to get rid of the rest.

Exercise: Exercising regularly gets blood pumping around the body and especially to your brain which takes up a huge amount of your blood and oxygen supply. You need to keep your body and brain in great shape to get the best your memory can give you.

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zeeshan shoukat
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