(Taha Siddiqui, karachi)

I being the citizen of Karachi, wanted to raise my voice regarding pollution in our city Karachi. Unfortunately, Karachi which is said to be populous city of Pakistan is suffering from different kinds of pollution.

This had become a complete fiasco for our government who cannot mange this menace.
The first pollution from all the Kacachites are suffering is noise pollution. The sound of Buses, cars and all has become a great problem. People are not aware about the basic civic sense. They used to honking adjacent to hospitals without realizing the fact that the patients are inside. Government should organize basic civic sense seminars for all Karachites so that the can be well aware of all these things.

The second most important problem is Air pollution which is caused by the gases coming out from the vehicles. The smoke coming out from the chimneys of industries. This has become a great disaster not only for the Karachites but for the whole mankind because ozone layer is removing slowly from the earth. Severe actions should be taken to control the Air Pollution. Those buses which produces gases should be banned and the industries should be fixed for this. So this problem can be overcome by the authorities.

The most significant problem is water pollution due to which thousands of people died every year in some areas of Karachi people are so unfortunate that they cannot get pure water to drink. No authority is there to listen their grievances. Water which is most important for any human being people are force to drink contaminated water because no authorities are even thinking of it. Government should hired people for the solution of this menace. They should built plants for purifying water so that people in Karachi can drink pure water which is basic right of them.

I do hope that the authorities will take some prompt action to reduce pollution in the city of Karachi.

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Taha Siddiqui
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