Bieng a nurse

(Shahid Ali, karachi)

Nurses work shifts that last 12 to 24 hours. They perform numerous unpleasant procedures and even put their own lives at risk for the sake of their patients.

Many nurses say they are harassed by young men who come in as either patients or relatives of the patient. They are asked personal questions and are, often unable to perform their duties due to harassment. Asking a nurse for her phone number is a regular occurrence in the hospitals of Pakistan. Patients even ask them if they can photograph them, and sometimes take pictures while the nurse is not looking.

Under these conditions, many nurses have become resentful towards their line of work. They have vowed never to let their daughters pursue a similar professional path. This is especially alarming because doctors state that Pakistan is facing a severe shortage in terms of nursing staff.

On paper, nursing would seem like a job that would command widespread respect . However, sadly, this is not the case for nurses in Pakistan.

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Shahid Ali
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