Neptunium Nuclear

(Imran Safdar, Faisalabad)

Splitting conduct nuclear tests on 28 May 1998 Dr Qadir is founder and hero of Pakistan nuclear assets qualifying this glory test country appear on charter of most super power paved street decided club of global past century look clear lucky about Muslims of sub continent two Muslims states under shelter of Islamic ideology sober democratic legitimacy run there business delicately one Muslims nuclear power country represent all Muslims nations of entire world. Pakistan achieve concern pertinent capability modify status of nation most safe successful and applaud interest of new generation. This action bring lot blessing on this pious earth example education advantage independency and awareness. God always safe our growth assiduity assets. Our country have much depend on agriculture so we should use this great blessing earning of loyal generation of Pakistan for make this country Developed with unity and courage. Honesty is best policy.
Imran Safdar
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