(sundus khan, karachi)

A person survives on the earth with his material and spiritual progress. Characters works as the backbone of society. No society can flourish without person having a good character.

As far as IDEALISM is concerned idealism comprises on two words. 1st is ideal which means "idea" which we want to see in reality and 2nd is "ism" which means govern and the complete meaning of idealism. "Anybody is governing on your mind" to get an ideal is very difficult in all aspect who admires us. When we make ideal of any person. We wish, the all qualities should be present in that/this person. Every person has own theory of liking/disliking. That's why every person has own ideal. for e.g. If I say my mother is my ideal but my sister says no, father is good for becoming an ideal because ideals are created by ourselves we should make ideals but having a good approach.

"Do not see person/thing, as you think , see as that is" after observation you can judge in better way who can become my ideal.
Stars can make to see the way of destination but stars can not destination.

sundus khan
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