Electronics & 21st century.

(Hamid Ali Malik, Sakrand (SBA))

History of Electronics:
History of electronics is as old as the history of human being. Whenever, human needs any equipment or device which eases their work to some extent. They invent the things and devices like vaccume tube, microprocessors and other components. Calculators, radio, radars, Telegraph etc are also invented through electronics. Those devices are the product ofelectronics. The scope of and utility of electronicsis rapidly increasing due to the advance research in the field of electronics. Another tremendous contribution is made when the integrated circuits are developed. Integrated circuits have revolutionized the whole field of electronics world.

Electronics is defined as “The science and technology of the conduction of electricity in vaccume tube, gas, semiconductor and other devices based on diode transistors and integrated circuits. (reference Wikipedia).Electronics deal with electrical circuits that involve components such as vaccume tube, transistor, diode and integrated circuits. Electronics purely depend upon the semi-conductor material and devices.

Role of Electronics in 21st century:
The advancement in the field of science and technology has minimized the distances among the people through the joint venture of electronic and telecommunication fields. The latest invention of science has made this world as a global village. Electronics devices such as television, computer, and mobile have made our lives easier and convenient. In these devices, electronic circuitry or electronics components like capacitor, inductor, resistor, transistor, diodes, integrated circuits, transformers and motors have been efficiently used. Different components have their specified role to play in the circuitry of devices. The various appliances that we use in our daily lives t every step e.g. T.V, iron, motor, washing machines, refrigerator, fans, air-conditions, microwave ovens and numerous number of other devices are the direct or indirect products of electronics in this century.Mobile and its various latest features i-e ipad, iPod, apple , touch screen, Androids are the recent major contributions of electronics in this century. PDA, laptop, Palmtop or tablet PCs also are the tremendous invention of the electronics in this era. Every day, there are numerous developments for making human life more luxurious and charmful.

Role of controlling the devices:
Electronics deals with semiconductor devices and materials. The fundamental role of electronics is to deal and to control the devices at larger scale. In larger organizations, projects, factories and in companies there are multiple devices operating at the same time. It is not possible to look after them, check them one by one in case of any problem, so they are controlled by the main computer, device or program by an electronics engineer to check their performance from various dimensions. Electronics depends upon the internal circuit’s connection and equipments design.

Overall, electronics have played a very prominent role and have at large scale made progress in 21st century. Electronics has made our lives a lot easier while inventing the latest devices for our comfort .Without electronics in this era our survival is quite difficult. We should utilize the electronics devices in positive manner in order to get maximum results and advantage. Electronics devices not only save our lot of time but also give our homes, offices, organizations more charm and beauty with least errors installing such devices. Being an electronic Engineer we should bring some fresh and novel electronic products in the market for increasing the importance and value of electronics in 21stcentury that is the basic need of today and tomorrow.

Hamid Ali Malik
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