Rana Saeed Ahmad and his books

(Rana Saeed Ahmad, Lahore)

My name is Rana Saeed Ahmad, father's name is Rana Muhammad Saddique. I am an advocate and Life Time Member of Lahore High Court Bar Association and Lahore Bar Association. Along with my practice, I write my observations, experiences, thoughts, ideas etc. in books and articles. So far, I have written two books, one in Urdu language and one in English language. The name of Urdu book is “Akkal, oos kay Mokhtalif Mayar aur oon kay Asrat”, whereas the name of English book is“Intelligence its Different Levels and their Effects”. In addition to these books, I have written and composed 25 articles on different topics and issues facing my countrymen and humanity; and making every effort to publish them in form of a book.

My work has been appreciated beyond my expectation. Many professors, authors, poets, researchers, doctors, advocates, judges including Chief Justice of Supreme Court, religious scholars and peoples of other walks of life liked my books and expressed their inspiring views and appreciations in their letters. Almost all the librarians, many writers and several readers are of the opinion that my books are unique and first ones on the subject of Intelligence, in the history of Subcontinent. The Governor of Punjab was pleased enough to write a letter of appreciation. Moreover, The Government of Punjab, Education Department (Higher Education Wing) has approved my books for Colleges and Public Libraries by its letter dated March 19, 2008.

Rana Saeed Ahmad
About the Author: Rana Saeed Ahmad Read More Articles by Rana Saeed Ahmad: 12 Articles with 11960 views Rana Saeed Ahmad:

My name is Rana Saeed Ahmad, father's name is Rana Muhammad Saddique. I am an advocate and Life Time Member of Lahore High Court
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