Purpose Of The Book

(Syed Musarrat Ali, Karachi)

This is about my upcoming Book "In Search of Lost Humanity:
I have not re-invented the wheel rather done little effort to take support of different inventions and discoveries to explore the Supreme Power and its Institution. There are so many interpretations already available in the shape of Holy Books and hundreds of thousands research scholars’ explanations on this topic in the form of historical books and on worldwide information and communication means like Internet for an easy access to a common man. As a matter of fact there was no further need of explanation about this topic but at the age of sixty seven years, was feeling quite confused on this subject and never felt pure satisfaction for my inner soul. I thought and reached to a conclusion after discussing with hundreds of my colleagues of childhood, youth and now of old age that they are sailing in the same boat but due to their surrounding environments could never dare to discuss and suffer like me as they have been observing me throughout.

Like so many humans I was also very curious to know the exact purpose of my life walking on the right path not to become a resident of Heaven after death but to live this life heavenly. This wish of mine was being always obstructed by hurdles of rules and regulations designed by mightier people of the society who are part of the ruling class of this world and my personality was almost crushed though I tried to bleed the pressure of a heap of depressions through writing different articles and columns in print media, by uploading on different types of social electronic sites and by participation and interaction with different multi-national scholars. I feel very lucky that my Soul is still not polluted to the limit of compromise with badly damaged Skeleton and able to compile this book with the help of stored data of 57 years in my back-up memory.

As I was in the final stage of recalling my memory, a feeling of self satisfaction created a sensation in my Skeleton and with full force of logical explanations compelled me to transfer whole data in the form of a book which might be helpful for the coming generations. At this stage I can say very confidently that I have no confusions regarding the definition of Supreme Power and its Institution, hence no depression at all. As I write few paragraphs I feel more and more relaxed every day.

This book will not add any drop to the ocean of information available on the internet on the stated topic but is going to help those open and likeminded readers to understand the purpose of life from a different horizon of Universe. All the contents of the book are based on my thought process and self experience while few drops are mixed from my negligible knowledge up to an academic and technical education of a 13th.Grader. I wanted to take help and guidance from different resources but after few hours of discussions and study of different religious and history books plus the information regarding any specific point from the internet, I was standing at square one. Therefore instead of being messed up again and again I preferred to write at my own and I am confident that the way it has washed up all the ambiguities from my mind, is going to help the readers taking an exit out of illusions.

Primary and most significant objective of this book is to make ourselves a real human who has become a beast through the so called evolutionary process. The race of having more and more and the dream of ruling the world have completely destroyed the real identity of humanity, the basic purpose of our existence. The humanity is being sold and purchased by plastic money and the wealth reserves owners are pretending to help the poor to serve the humanity which in fact is to laugh to scorn.
At the outset “Infinity”, a phenomenon suits to define the “Creator” which is unimaginable while human is a creature having no value even if he is able to rule many planets like our earth as he is mortal and have to be empty hands finally.

During study of different theories of Great Scientists, Research Scholars, Authors and different websites’ Content Writers I used to come back at square one as these were compatible partially to my personal thoughts and not as a whole, hence I was further motivated to conclude according to my Soul’s satisfaction along with references of synchronized ideas of great humans. I am confident that based on conversations and discussion during the whole 58 years of process my personal conclusive statements will be acceptable to most of the Humanity.

Syed Musarrat Ali
About the Author: Syed Musarrat Ali Read More Articles by Syed Musarrat Ali: 234 Articles with 181147 views Basically Aeronautical Engineer and retired after 41 years as Senior Instructor Management Training PIA. Presently Consulting Editor Pakistan Times Ma.. View More