An Ideal Citizen
(Faisal Khan Rodnani , Johi Sindh Pakistan )
The progress and prosperity of
every country depends upon the percentage of ideal citizens that in habit it.
The country the people of which are disregardful of its interest is generally
doomed to decay and decline.
It is a misfortune that our country does not seem to be having a high percentage
of ideal citizens. Ideally, all the citizens of a country should be ideal
citizens. For that, we must try to understand the qualities of an ideal citizen.
An ideal citizen considers his country above his personal interest.
He knows:
Thus an ideal citizen is a patriot to the backbone. He lives and dies for the
country. But he does not believe in narrow chauvinism, nor does he hate the
people of other countries. He believes in the policy of “Live and let live” and
scorns imperialism.
He applies the same principle to his neighbors whom he loves and helps in time
of need. He has malice towards none. Jealousy, trickery, leg pulling, backbiting
are unknown to him.
An ideal citizen knows that the efficiency of the government depends, inter
alia, on the availability of funds, which it can utilize for welfare and
constructive works.
He asks not what the country has done for him but only what he can do for his
country. In fact, he is an asset to the country, a beacon’s light to other
citizens. The country is rightly proud of him…