Cinema in Pakistan

(uzair ahmed, karachi)

THE road map for reviving Pakistani cinemas as detailed by Mr Hasan Zaidi (“On reviving cinema in Pakistan”, April 16) is not only commendable and thought provoking but also very reasonable. His suggestions of importing films from India, with financing from banks registered with the State Bank of Pakistan, seed money for script development, tax relief of five to 10 years to new cinema houses, holding of international film festivals, establishing international grade training institutes and promoting joint productions ventures should be considered by policy makers in the ministries of culture and finance if they really want to improve the image of Pakistan.

Regarding the import of films from India, I would like to add that based on the number of commercial cinema houses operating in India and Pakistan, a policy should be drafted according to which for the first five years or so the ratio of import and export of films from and to India should be one to ten —— that is, against the import of one film from India at least 10 films should be exported from Pakistan. This way the Pakistan film industry will not be swept aside by Indian films.

uzair ahmed
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